Friday, November 4, 2011

Passport Application

Today was the first step in the general direction of leaving for Australia - applying for my passport. As I got ready this morning my stomach was turning from excitement and nervousness. I was excited to be getting this much closer to following my dream, but nervous because of the many questions and worries I have about making this journey. It was fairly expensive, but it will last for 9 1/2 years, so it's worth it, and if I break up the expenses it won't seem so drastic. The passport will also allow me to go see Niagra Falls in Canada if I go to NY with my roommate to see our other roommate's home town during New Years. Also, if I go to NY that will be the first time I fly without a family member (and possibly by myself). I'm enjoying the gradual steps that I am taking to get used to the idea that I will actually be leaving. I think it will make the process and change much easier instead of dealing with all the excitement and nervousness about all the elements all at once when the time finally arrives. I was told my passport should arrive by December 3rd, which I am extremely excited about. I can't wait to finally hold the passport book in my hands (and then put it in a very safe place, that I can remember, until it's time to use it)!!!

The woman that handled my application gave me some helpful tips on how to make sure that if I lose my passport (fingers crossed that I won't) that I can make it back home in a timely manner.
1) Make 3 copies of the main passport page (name, picture, etc).
2) Leave one copy with your parents (spouse, significant other, etc) so they can mail it to the necessary department.
3) While at the airport keep the book and one copy on your person and the other copy in a checked bag.
4) Once the destination is reached - keep the book in a safe and unknown place in your room, keep one copy folded up in your wallet, and keep the other copy in a suitcase that won't be used while there.

 This is the photo taken and used for my passport.

Being so excited and nervous at the same time is hard for me to understand as I keep jumping back and forth between feelings, but I'm glad I'm getting to work through some of this early. I think this is a natural reaction. Overall though, I'm excited!!! =D