Monday, July 30, 2012

1-10 on Weekend #2

While the weekend was a rather calm weekend it was also a very wonderful weekend.

1. The Olympics started at 5:30 am, which meant watching the reairing at 2:00 in the afternoon. Due do a 4 hour long opening ceremony I got 4 hours of warm cuddles with a sweet little 6 year old. The kids are very excited about the Olympics and have lots of questions. I almost never get to watch the Olympics because they are on over night while I have to sleep.

2. A girl from church brought me more hangers so I officially have all of my clothes hung up or folded and in a spot in the room. I also have my white board and calendar hung up so I am starting to feel more settled.
3. Driving is going way better than ever expected. In fact, it feels practically normal now. I talked to the mom about my uncertainty with packing lunches and morning and afternoon tea and she said she would love to give me a run down, some lists, and a meal orientation. As for meals that I eat, I never go hungry. There is always plenty to choose from and I am finding it isn't all that different. It just takes a little adjusting.
4. I Skype with my family daily and my 2nd family 2 or 3 times a week. Other than them I have only talked with 2 other friends (shout out to my Birthday Twin Manda and my Little Dinosaur Kait!!) and my Grandma Carolyn. Finding a time to Skype is posing a challenge as well as finding THE time to Skype as it is rather time consuming. I hope to get the chance to chat with a few other people over the next couple of weeks.
5. Jen (the mom) has nicknamed me Niks and also "My Sanity". She gave me a hug the other day... I can sense the warming up from all of the family members.
6. Church: The church is a lot like my Greensboro church (shout out to my PIC family blog readers!!!) which makes the transition that much easier. It is a smaller group and is a contemporary service. The pastor and other "elders" all crack jokes. It is very laid back and personal, while still keeping the focus of God. We did communion, praise and worship, tithe, and the sermon. They sang 4 songs during praise and worship and I only knew one which was "Nothing but the Blood". It was so nice to know a song and for it to be that one reminded me a lot of home. I talked with one of the girls there who is a regular member and that is the only one she knew too, so they were new songs for everyone. The sermon was wonderful and I took tons of notes. The sermon was about rebuilding, playing your part, and carrying out the tasks God has given you with a passionate attitude. The girls from my small group go to the church so it was nice to actually know people before I even got there. I met a couple other people as well who are just as warm and welcoming as the girls.
7. I met the winner of Australia's Got Talent. He is a regular member at the church I am attending.
8. I went to the largest shopping centre in the southern hemisphere and it has over 530 stores (Megan/Roomie I found your heaven!!). It has stores like Prada, Giorgio Armani, Tiffanys, Burberry, Chanel, etc. It also has more regular stores though including Target, K-Mart, and Toys-R-Us. At this mall I purchased 2 amazing bookmarks (dork, I know) and... A BUILD A BEAR ELMO!!! When the US stores were selling them I missed my opportunity. He is my best friend in Australia!! We snuggle, hold hands, write together, ride in the car together, etc. His little face just makes me smile!! =D Also, while at this mall I found Bananas in Pajamas merchandise! It is ridiculously expensive, but I WILL have some before I leave here.

9. Some know that it has been a dream of mine to go shark cage diving with the Great Whites off the coast of Australia. However, this is a very expensive excursion and there is no guarantee whatsoever. Instead, I will be going to the Melbourne aquarium and taking part in their "Ultimate Experience" which involves behind the scenes tours, fish feeding, hanging out in the penguin exhibit, and diving with the sharks in their large 2.2 million litre oceanarium.
10. I am slowly but surely coming into a routine here, settling in, feeling comfortable, forming relationships and falling madly in love with this city and this country. I can see why people would come here to visit and never go back home, no worries though, I will be returning... Although returning home will be so very exciting, I can already tell that it will be hard to leave this wonderful place.

Blog Note: There will be two different regular posts on my blog. One will be weekly (Fridays) of new/different words and phrases. The second will be bi-weekly (Tuesdays) of photos I have taken over those two weeks. Uploading pictures to the blog takes so long that if I want several they have to be done on a slideshow on a different site and then embedded to the blog. Also, if you want to see ALL of my pictures, they are on facebook.

Friday, July 27, 2012

New Words/Phrases and Differences #2

New Words/Phrases
- Torch = Flashlight
- Windscreen = Windshield
- Fringe = Bangs
- Rubbish = Trash
- Bit(s) = Part(s)
- Tightie = Hug
- Capsul = Infant Car Seat
- A Sleep = A Nap
- Avo = Avocado
- Bloke = Guy
- Bingle = Car Accident
- Chuck a U-ee = Make a U-Turn
- Fairy Floss = Cotton Candy
- Lollies = Candies/Sweets
- Footy = Australian Rules Football
- Heaps = A lot
- Kindie = Child Care
- Prep = Kindergarten
- Cheeky = Mischievous
- Cupboard = Closet
- Swimmers = Swim Suit
- No Worries = Forgiveness/Reassurance
- Car Park = Parking Lot
- Many different varieties of many different fruits and vegetables
- Ugg boots are meant to be worn as slippers indoors
- Rain boots are uncommon
- Everything is measured using the metric system
- Everything is more expensive
- Degrees are in Celsius
- From January through to December the seasons go: Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring
- Round-a-bouts/Traffic Circles are found on most roads


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Week 1 is Done!

I have officially made it 1 week in Melbourne!!!

This past weekend was Michelle's 6th birthday party at a circus school, which was fun.

Yesterday, I had my first driving lesson, which went much better than expected. I just have to keep telling myself - KEEP LEFT!! Last night I also did bath time by myself and the kids were wonderful for me. Today I drove home from Ben's creche (without Ben), to Ben's creche (without Ben), and home from Ben's creche (with Ben). Gran was in the passenger seat all 3 times. Driving is going well actually. The biggest areas of unease are right turns at large intersections and the many round abouts. I have another driving lesson tomorrow afternoon.

    The food issue is working out and I never go hungry. I went to the supermarket the other day (where I learned just how expensive everything is here) so if I don't like something I just pull something else to replace it or have a snack later on. Also, the mom always lets me know what is for dinner and asks to make sure I like it or can find something I like.
     Ben is really warming up to me (we spent some one-on-one time during dinner tonight talking about walruses) and is working very hard at the independence goals I have set for him (mainly to get dressed mostly by himself). Michelle is testing her boundaries with me a little, so I kindly and respectfully let her know that I will not accept shouting, not listening, or outright mean behaviors towards me or Ben. She is however still very sweet and cuddly. The mom came up to my room to check on me today (I was off duty because both the kids were at school) and we ended up spending some time looking at my smash book. Speaking of, I got a good amount completed today which was a nice change in pace. I also got half my clothes hung up / put away, which is helping me feel settled.
     The cleaners came today, which was kind of weird, but I guess I'll have to get used to since they come every Tuesday.
     The parents and I have really been chatting a lot - learning about each other and our backgrounds, films, experiences, etc. At dinner this evening I learned more about how/when the mom and dad met, got engaged, and married. Also, I overheard the mom telling the dad I almost made her cry today when I asked for her permission to organize the play room in the next few weeks (she has been wanting to do it for years). With the dog's ridiculous barking, the baby's constant intense crying, the older children's many responsibilities and need for attention, and the dad working very long hours (7:30 am - 7:30 pm, dinner, work from home for a couple more hours)... I now see why they needed an aupair. 

Friday, July 20, 2012

A Productive Day

I have only been here for 3 days and I already feel like I've been here for 12 weeks. It has been busy busy non-stop. The jet lag really hasn't been all that bad. I get tired in the evening a little earlier than usual, which results in an earlier bed time, which results in an earlier wake time, but other than that the jet lag is practically non existent. 

Yesterday I went with the grandma to take the kids to prep and creche. I made the kids breakfast while the grandma made their lunches. I helped them dress and I did Michelle's hair. The grandma and I went out after dropping them off and I purchased a prepaid phone (HTC Incredible S) that I think is absolutely amazing! I opened 2 bank accounts - a checking and a savings. I went to a butcher for the first time... I see vegetarianism in my near future. We went to a century old shoe repair shop. We went to a supermarket where I got some deli turkey, strawberry jam, and sandwich bread - starting to feel more comfortable with the food. I am still trying new things - I had some potato and something soup yesterday and some bagel crisp things. I saw Ben's creche and the library. I Skyped with my mom and my 2nd family!! I arranged for a driving lesson next Monday or Tuesday.

Michelle and I shared our first cuddles tonight. =]

And I experienced my first Shabbat!

New Words/Phrases and Differences #1

This will hopefully be a weekly post on my blog where I share new words and phrases and differences between Australia and the US.
New Words/Phrases
- Boot = Trunk (of car)
- Bonnet = Hood (of car)
- Dressing Gown = Robe
- How's it goin'? = How are you doing?
- Mate = Friend
- G'day = Hello
- Cheers = Thanks
- Brekkie = Breakfast
- Tazzie = Tasmanian
- Macca's = McDonald's
- Uni = University/College
- Wasted = Beyond tired (or drunk)
- Crash Hot = Great, Wonderful
- Give Way = Yield
- Wonky = Crooked, Broken
- Singlet = Tank top undershirt
- Pardon = What? or What did you say?
- Top = Knit shirt
- Shirt = Has buttons
- Trackies = Sweatpants
- Jumper = Sweater
- Plat = Braid
- To turn the light switch on you flip down and to turn it off you flip it up
- Drive on left side of the road in the right side of the car
- Almost all street parking
- Palm and Eucalyptus trees everywhere
- Hold fork in left hand and knife in right and never put the knife down
- Put fork in your mouth upside down (with dipped portion of curve down)
- Z (pronounced zee) is Zed
- 15 minutes from beach
- Central heat and AC is uncommon
- Can walk to coffee shop
- No marked/designated turning lanes, you just kind of move over a little bit and everyone that isn't turning just has to work their way around you
- Traffic lights are on the corners of the road
- Trams are seen often
- School buses look like every other bus
- Ollie is pronounced with a long "o" sound, not a short one (figured this out when Michelle told me the dog's name isn't "ah"llie)
- Most people buy their meat from the butcher
- Internet usage is capped
- People are generally more warm, welcoming, and accepting

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

I'm here! I'm Here! I'M HERE!!!

Good-Byes: Got some good last snuggles in with Munkie. Mom, Dad, Brothers, and Lydia went to the airport with me. We all rode in a 5 seat SUV, which was absolutely wonderful because I got to be extremely close to my family up until the minute I left. They waited until I got through security, I stood on my tip-toes to see them over all the scanners and such and was able to exchange last waves, blown kisses, and I Love You signs with each one of them. 

Flight: Flight from RDU to DFW got delayed. Dad saved the day and changed the flight. Went from RDU to DC to LAX to MEL. Sat in window seats the whole way. 2 crises averted while in LAX - 1) No dinner: The guy at the counter said there was no food in this terminal except for a bar and I would have to get on a shuttle that only comes once every 30 minutes go to a different terminal and go back through security and get back on a shuttle to come back to to this terminal. Well that bar was a 1 minute walk from the gate and had deli selections, so I got a $13 turkey wrap and banana. 2) My carry on too heavy: For some reason one of the attendants picked up my bag (the same size as many many other people's bags) and said it was too heavy, weighed it, and told me it would have to go under the plane. Long story short, I got sneaky and got to  take it on the plane. The Qantas airbus is amazing!! The seats recline so far, have a winged headrest, and a footrest. They also have a tv screen in the headrests with free movies, tv, music, games, and much more. They provide you with a blanket, pillow, eye mask, toothpaste, and toothbrush. They provided 2 meals (I only ate the breakfast), snacks, and drinks throughout the flight. It is the quietest, most comfortable plane I have ever been on. 

Arrival: I made it through border control and then the power went out. There was an airport wide power outage that lasted 2 hours. They even had to cart in water for us. We all had to sit/stand and wait at baggage claim. I used the opportunity to meet and talk to two other girls from the US. The power finally came back on, I got all my bags (yay! for no luggage lost!), and made it through customs. The dad of my Australian family was waiting for me. We walked outside and the weather was absolutely gorgeous - sunny and 57 degree Fahrenheit!! I walked to the wrong side of the car to get in, of course. He drove me around Melbourne a little bit and then headed home. Ben and the mom came out to greet me. Michelle was at school. I also met the kids' grandmother who is staying at the house for a couple weeks. Ben showed me my room where there were several little welcome presents on my bed. I Skyped my parents and got to chat with them for a bit, which really helps with being away. I also Skyped my 2nd family for a couple minutes. We had some lunch (I guess... it was spring mix lettuce, breads/bagels, pickles, olives, tomatoes, carrots, and celery... no dips and no dressings). 

My First Day: The dad and I went for a walk to a nearby coffee shop and got coffee and hot chocolate. We went to the optometrist to fix the nose piece of my glasses. He showed me the kids' music school and the bay. We picked Michelle up from school (which is straight out of a movie). The kids showed me the rest of the house, I helped Michelle with her homework, played with the dog (Ollie), played Legos with the kids, and had dinner (chicken soup, meatballs, broccoli, and potatoes...). After dinner I gave the family their gifts - which the kids loved so very much!! It went better than I thought it would. Then it was time to turn in for the night considering I had only slept 4 hours in the last 48 hours. I unpacked quite a bit before getting in bed. I got in bed and tried to upload pictures but couldn't fight the sleep any longer and passed out. Unfortunately because I went to bed at 8:30 I woke up at 4:30, but I'm hoping to fall asleep again shortly here. 

Pictures are up on facebook and a slideshow will be added to this post later today. 

Monday, July 16, 2012

Packing Up and Flying Out

Packing for this trip was so much harder than I expected. I was completely unmotivated and discouraged. Luckily though, with the help of my mom and my friend Kaitlyn, the packing process is finally complete. I will be taking me, 3 large suitcases, 1 small carry-on, and 1 personal carry-on.

This morning has been so weird. Parts of it feel just like any other day while other parts feel completely unreal. My mind can't seem to wrap itself around the fact that this is really happening and it is no longer just a dream or talk, resulting in some fear, anxiety, and doubts. My heart on the other hand is overwhelmed with joy, excitement, and anticipation. We are leaving the house at 1:00 this afternoon for RDU. My flight takes off at 3:45. My flight information is below if you want to track it on using their flight tracker. The times listed are the times at the airports, so if you are on the east coast and looking at my last flight, that is actually occurring at 2:30 am (if there are any troopers reading this and willing to talk with me into the morning before my flight, do text or call please). I will arrive in Melbourne, Australia at 8:20 am on Wednesday morning (their time) which is 6:20 pm on Tuesday evening (east coast time). I will try to update as soon as possible once I arrive.
Pray with me for safe, healthy, anxiety free travels and that continues to calm my heart and mind. Be praying for my family and friends as we all experience this initial time apart. Also be praying for a quick settling in process. So thankful I am not taking this journey alone, but that I am taking it with all of you and with my one and only Heavenly Father by my side. =]

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Feeling Unprepared

I've been all smiles about this journey until this evening when the overwhelming to-do list hit me. I have 4 days to clean, purchase last minute items, see several people for the last time before I leave, do laundry, figure out what I can pack, actually pack, spend time with my family, get my hair cut, get a manicure, get my computer cleaned off and backed up, finish this video for Hope, and much much more. I cried for the first time (relating to the preparation of this journey), I am nauseous, and emotionally sensitive. I am leaving in 4 days and feel so unprepared in just about every way possible. I see a few nights ahead with very little sleep and the last thing I want to do is spend my last couple of days with my family running around and begin this journey on emotional edge with a lack of sufficient sleep. God has blessed me so many times in so many ways throughout preparations for this journey and I am trusting that he will either help me become extremely efficient or that he will stretch the time.

Monday, July 9, 2012

When We Can Chat

To make things easier for myself and everyone else I have made a chart of the time difference between here and Australia. There is one chart for my family and friends on the east coast of the US and another chart for my family and friends on the west coast of the US. Melbourne, Australia is 14 hours ahead of the US east coast and 17 hours ahead of the US west coast. These time difference charts will only apply until mid October when Australia begins Daylight Saving and the US ends Daylight Saving. At that time there will be an additional 2 hours added to the time difference as Australia springs forward an hour and the US falls back an hour. New time difference charts will be posted at that time. The times in green are the times that I will be able to talk that line up with the times most of my family and friends in the US will be awake. Do pay attention to the notes to the right hand side of some of the colored times to know what days I am or am not available at that time. 
                           US                 AUS

                             US              AUS

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A Gift

For the past 2 days I have been at friends houses saying "See You Later". I have been gone since Sunday afternoon. I came home this afternoon to find a box from Amazon sitting at my place on the dining table. I didn't remember ordering anything and there was no "from" section on the mail label. My name, however, was in the "to" section so I went ahead and opened it. The item inside was wrapped and there was a little Amazon card attached to the front. I thought maybe someone here that I know had sent me a farewell gift. I opened the card, read it, and immediately got watery eyed. As you can read below, the gift was from my Australian family. 
So what did they send me? A book titled "In a Sunburned Country". It is written by a guy who traveled to Australia and reports on what he finds there - weather, the people, the land, the politics, etc. It is described as "a deliciously funny, fact filled, and adventurous performance by a writer who combines humor, wonder, and unflagging curiosity".
I just can't get over how very thoughtful it was of them to send me such a gift. I am about to pick up and move to another country (I've never left the US before) for an extended amount of time to live with a family I have only met through Skype and e-mails, away from everyone I know and love. I am absolutely tickled at my Australian family's generosity, welcoming spirit, kindness, and acceptance because it helps make this step that much easier. I'm not even there yet and I'm already being blessed. Every time I turn around something happens that reminds me this is part of God's plan and purpose for me and my life. Every day I get more and more excited to take this journey with this wonderful family and with God blessing the journey every step of the way.