Wednesday, July 18, 2012

I'm here! I'm Here! I'M HERE!!!

Good-Byes: Got some good last snuggles in with Munkie. Mom, Dad, Brothers, and Lydia went to the airport with me. We all rode in a 5 seat SUV, which was absolutely wonderful because I got to be extremely close to my family up until the minute I left. They waited until I got through security, I stood on my tip-toes to see them over all the scanners and such and was able to exchange last waves, blown kisses, and I Love You signs with each one of them. 

Flight: Flight from RDU to DFW got delayed. Dad saved the day and changed the flight. Went from RDU to DC to LAX to MEL. Sat in window seats the whole way. 2 crises averted while in LAX - 1) No dinner: The guy at the counter said there was no food in this terminal except for a bar and I would have to get on a shuttle that only comes once every 30 minutes go to a different terminal and go back through security and get back on a shuttle to come back to to this terminal. Well that bar was a 1 minute walk from the gate and had deli selections, so I got a $13 turkey wrap and banana. 2) My carry on too heavy: For some reason one of the attendants picked up my bag (the same size as many many other people's bags) and said it was too heavy, weighed it, and told me it would have to go under the plane. Long story short, I got sneaky and got to  take it on the plane. The Qantas airbus is amazing!! The seats recline so far, have a winged headrest, and a footrest. They also have a tv screen in the headrests with free movies, tv, music, games, and much more. They provide you with a blanket, pillow, eye mask, toothpaste, and toothbrush. They provided 2 meals (I only ate the breakfast), snacks, and drinks throughout the flight. It is the quietest, most comfortable plane I have ever been on. 

Arrival: I made it through border control and then the power went out. There was an airport wide power outage that lasted 2 hours. They even had to cart in water for us. We all had to sit/stand and wait at baggage claim. I used the opportunity to meet and talk to two other girls from the US. The power finally came back on, I got all my bags (yay! for no luggage lost!), and made it through customs. The dad of my Australian family was waiting for me. We walked outside and the weather was absolutely gorgeous - sunny and 57 degree Fahrenheit!! I walked to the wrong side of the car to get in, of course. He drove me around Melbourne a little bit and then headed home. Ben and the mom came out to greet me. Michelle was at school. I also met the kids' grandmother who is staying at the house for a couple weeks. Ben showed me my room where there were several little welcome presents on my bed. I Skyped my parents and got to chat with them for a bit, which really helps with being away. I also Skyped my 2nd family for a couple minutes. We had some lunch (I guess... it was spring mix lettuce, breads/bagels, pickles, olives, tomatoes, carrots, and celery... no dips and no dressings). 

My First Day: The dad and I went for a walk to a nearby coffee shop and got coffee and hot chocolate. We went to the optometrist to fix the nose piece of my glasses. He showed me the kids' music school and the bay. We picked Michelle up from school (which is straight out of a movie). The kids showed me the rest of the house, I helped Michelle with her homework, played with the dog (Ollie), played Legos with the kids, and had dinner (chicken soup, meatballs, broccoli, and potatoes...). After dinner I gave the family their gifts - which the kids loved so very much!! It went better than I thought it would. Then it was time to turn in for the night considering I had only slept 4 hours in the last 48 hours. I unpacked quite a bit before getting in bed. I got in bed and tried to upload pictures but couldn't fight the sleep any longer and passed out. Unfortunately because I went to bed at 8:30 I woke up at 4:30, but I'm hoping to fall asleep again shortly here. 

Pictures are up on facebook and a slideshow will be added to this post later today. 

1 comment:

  1. NIKKI! I am so glad to hear you made it okay and want quantas to make all planes like theirs. Yes I know that the ticket prices will probably go up but oh well. I miss you a lot and hope to skype you soon. I will try to contact you using your schedule to see when a good time is. Whether by facebook message or skype IM. LOVE YOU!
