Monday, September 3, 2012

Day Off FunK

The family offered me today off, which I am so very thankful for. I wouldn't have been able to function properly if I was working. My eyes have hurt and felt heavy all day, I've had 0 energy, I'm completely unenthusiastic about everything, and I've had a headache all day. I'm not sure why or what's going on, but I am so thankful I had the day to myself.

Today is the 3rd day of spring and the weather was just gorgeous. Blue skies, a calm breeze, and a high of 22 Celsius (72 Fahrenheit). I decided to use the day to venture out in the manual on my own to one of the nearby beaches. It was just a simple 10-15 minute drive and a short 5 minute walk and I was by the water in the sand. Back home, to reach an environment like this would involve a 4 hour car ride. The beach I went to is about 2 miles north of the Brighton Bathing Boxes (previous post). It was so nice to get some sunshine on my skin and stick my bare toes in the sand. I used the 3 hours I was out there to read, write/pray, collect shells, and just look out over the water and think about absolutely nothing.
I don't know what kind of emotional and physical funk I'm in right now, but I'm hoping it passes quickly. I'm working on making plans for tomorrow to try and break whatever this is. I'm also trying to maintain a constant prayer over whatever is going on. Prayers from everyone back home would be greatly appreciated! 

1 comment:

  1. We are all praying for you Nikki. This is just a hurdle that you have to jump over. Once you do things will be fine and you will be loving being there all over again. I love you
