Tuesday, February 19, 2013

I Found My Husband!

So, the running joke is that I would come over to Australia and find myself an Australian husband... Well, I have found him. He is currently in school and working towards becoming fire chief at the local fire station (unrelated) and further in the future hopes to be an astronaut. He is Australian, super cute, and sweet as can be and knows that I always win in a disagreement. We've been spending a lot of time together, but especially enjoy our evening cuddles. Surprisingly though he doesn't meet any of the usual requirements - He's Jewish, white, and younger than me... Anyways, as I'm sure you're dying to meet him, here he is:

So you're probably wondering how this all came about. Let me tell you a little story...

Michelle has a High School Musical nightie which she was to put on after bath time. Instead of getting dressed she was looking at it lying on the floor asking me questions about the boy and girl's name and hair color. She then started asking questions about how they know each other and if they are in love. Well, during this time Ben was apparently feeling a little left out so he decided to join in on the conversation and what follows is that conversation:
Ben: Michelle, you're a girl and I'm a boy, so when I grow up we can marry and then I'll kiss you.
Mich: But Ben, I'm in your family. You aren't supposed to marry people in your family.
Ben: (Pauses for a moment) But wait! Nikki is a girl and she is not actually family so when I grow up I can marry her!!
Just after this conversation I took the above video.

For the rest of the night he kept mentioning how he and I would get married when he's grown up. Gotta love Benjamin!!

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