Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Dream with Parallels

I was in a room. There was a guy hiding behind a couch, who I felt like I recognized but couldn’t pinpoint. While he didn’t necessarily look dangerous, I screamed for my mom anyways. She was a couple of rooms over, but it was one of those dreams where your screams don’t work like you want them to. I screamed and the very first millisecond of my scream was as loud as I intended, but it quickly faded to where I was screaming physically but no sound was coming out. This happened time and time again. After some time she finally came to the room, but by this point the guy was already on his way out the window. I had caught him by his shirt and was yelling at him. My mom walked in and asked me why I was screaming. I told her about the guy. She asked, “What guy?” During our conversation he had released himself from my hand and escaped out the window. I told her, “The guy I was just talking to and yelling at. The guy who just went out the window. That guy!” I took her to the window and pointed him out to her as I could still see him running. She said, “Nikki, there is no guy… What are you talking about?” I asked, “Can you not see him?” She told me she saw no guy in the room or out the window at any point. It was then that I realized only I could see him.

I was then instantly switched to a room with several other people. There was this guy happily sweeping the floor (a different guy from before). I didn’t think anything of him other than that I was curious as to why he was sweeping the floor when no one else was cleaning. The next thing I knew he changed into a completely different guy. I instantly, almost involuntarily, hit the floor in a bowing position as tears fled from my eyes. It was Jesus (but he didn’t look anything like what the children’s picture stories and movies portray him to look like). People asked me what I was doing and told me to get up, but I was stuck there, speechless. I was also confused as to how those around me weren’t as in awe as I was. Everyone was doing their own thing with their own agenda not even noticing that 1) – This guy just transformed in front of our eyes and 2) – It was Jesus!!! After some time I asked someone if they had just seen that. They asked, “Seen what?” I replied, “That guy over there with the broom, sweeping.” “What guy,” they replied, “There is no guy…” Once again, only I could see the guy.

I was then instantly switched to a massive auditorium filled with people, some I knew, some I didn’t. We were locked inside this auditorium by the same guy from the beginning. He had some of his “helpers” (who we were unaware of because they looked just like the rest of us) dispersed among us in case we caught on to what he was doing – controlling us and locking us in. We figured out what he was doing and his helpers came after us but we escaped only to find that this auditorium was only one room in a much larger building. There was no way out, the walls were too high the exits were sensored, there were eyes on you at all times. Within the building you could only go where he wanted you to go and when he wanted you to go there because all the doors to every room and hallway were controlled elsewhere. You couldn’t choose who you interacted with and the entire place was like a maze. I was dumbfounded as I looked around and noticed some people just happily sitting around watching a movie, completely oblivious to what was going on right in front of them.

A few of us decided that we were going to beat the system and all the blockades this guy had put in place. The doors to the hallway opened like elevator doors then shut rather quickly to only let through the people he wants to let through and stay shut until he decides to open them again. When they opened again we each chose a door and then braced ourselves against it with our back against one side and our feet on the other to let as many people as possible through. As people saw what we were doing they braced themselves against other doors or helped people struggling to keep the door open. He tried closing the doors but we were stronger than him as we helped each other. A flood of people poured into the hallway and in and out of rooms as they experienced some level of freedom (it wasn’t complete freedom because they were still in this building). While all of this was going on there were still people sitting watching a movie completely oblivious. There was also a concert in another section of the building and another room with lights and music. Everyone participating in these things was totally unaware of the fight the rest of us were putting up.

Certain people had a pass to come in and out of the building and they were allowed to bring certain people out of the building with them. Once you were out of the building you got a pass as well. I found one of these people and they took me out of the building with them, but I had to leave everything behind – everything. I was safe, I was happy, and I felt a freedom I had never experienced before. I was finally out from under that guy’s control. As I stood outside of the building holding only my new pass allowing me to enter and exit I looked on to the building realizing what had just happened... my family and friends were still in there…

I regretted not having done more while I was inside to help them get out of the building with me. As I stood looking at the building I had a huge choice to make – I could leave and go on with my life now that I was safe or I could use the pass given to me to go back into the building and try my hardest to get as many people as possible to come out of the building with me, hoping that once they were safe, that they would choose to go back in after others as well. Seeing the panic, fear, and confusion on many of those peoples’ faces in the auditorium and every time the doors opened or shut broke my heart. Seeing the oblivious people controlled by this guy stare mindlessly into a screen broke my heart as this all took place around them. To see these people falling for this guys’ traps of temporary pleasure in moving images, performances, music, cool lights, etc only to be miserable in the end broke my heart. So there I was with a massive choice to make – save myself only or go back in fighting even harder in attempt to save as many others as possible.
I can’t help but draw so many parallels between this dream I had about a week ago and what I’ve been reading and studying lately in the Bible. I’ll start at the beginning and work my way through.

Guy hiding behind couch who I recognized but couldn't pinpoint and didn't necessarily look dangerous – Satan uses the same tricks over and over and over again, which is why we recognize it as something we’ve seen before, but because he is sneaky, we sometimes can’t pinpoint it as him. Satan often wraps his tricks in lies to make us think it is something right or good for us, something not harmful, but in reality it really is dangerous.

I screamed for help anyways – When we find ourselves in situations where we are unsure of what to do with what we feel or what we are being told, we should go to God and to someone we trust and know has a strong foundation in Christ and God’s Word. It’s better to ask for help than to just assume you know what you’re doing and end up in the Enemy’s grip.

The quiet, fading scream – Sometimes it seems like our prayers aren't being heard no matter how hard or how passionately we pray, but we have to keep praying because God is listening and He will answer when the time is right.

Had him by the shirt and yelling at him – When the Enemy is lying to you or beating you up or throwing as many awful things your way as he can, sometimes you just got to get real close and personal, let him know you mean it and are dead serious about this by yelling Scriptures, God’s Holy Word, right in his face and you better believe that he will take off like a bat out of hell (no pun intended) because Satan trembles at the power of our mighty Heavenly Father.

Coming to help when it seems “too late” – Sometimes it seems like God sends help when it’s too late, when the situation has already been dealt with, but His timing is perfect. Sometimes God lets us deal with things seemingly alone (although He is right there with us through it as we use His promises, truths, etc to get through and conquer the situation) so that we can grow in our faith in Him.

Only I could see him – Satan doesn't want others to be able to see him in your life because otherwise they might try and talk you out of whatever it is he is lying to you about.

Sweeping the floor – Nobody else in the room was cleaning, but this is what he was asked to do, so he did it and did it happily. Sometimes it seems like we are the only ones following God’s instructions, but regardless of what those around us are doing, we are called to follow Him. Or sometimes it seems like God has asked us to do something that seems a little strange, but He has a plan, so we should trust Him.

Didn't think anything of him, looked like a regular guy – Jesus was a regular guy. He had the power of God in Him, but in His human, earthly form He would have looked like a regular guy. Also, Jesus says that whatever we do to the least of these we do to him so had people chosen to ridicule this guy or pick up a broom and help this guy, they would have been ridiculing or helping Jesus. We need to think twice before we say (or don’t say) or do (or don’t do) things. Would we be willing to have a nasty attitude toward Jesus? Would we be willing to lie to Jesus? Would we be willing to stand by and just watch Jesus do all the work? Would we be willing to push Jesus out of the way? 

Instantly bowing, speechless – This part reminds me of that song I Can Only Imagine by MercyMe. I can’t even begin to wrap my head around what it will be like to be in such an all encompassing presence of God when my earthly life is over. However, we are in God’s presence on a daily basis and He is still working miracles and moving mightily on a daily basis. His power, mercy, grace, forgiveness, beauty, love, etc should leave us in this jaw dropping, tear inducing, heart stopping, knee weakening awe on a daily basis.

Everyone else still going about their day – Life is so busy that God could speak to someone loud and clear or work a miracle smack dab in front of someone’s face and they could completely miss it. We've really got to learn to turn off the social media, music, phones, work load, etc even if for just a short bit each day to turn our ears, heart, and eyes on God. I’m not saying don’t use facebook, don’t listen to music, don’t text your friends, etc (shoot, we all know I do), I’m just saying if we don’t leave room for God in there somewhere or better yet, make Him the focus and use the rest of those things as filler, then we will miss those miraculous moments God has for us.

Only I could see him – Related to the previous one, I was the only who took the time to stop and notice him and keep my eyes on him. Stopping and focusing on him is how we can see him move in our daily lives.

Auditorium leading to building with room after room of controlled doors and exits and walls so high you can’t get out – Satan spends years and years piling on the thoughts, lies, temptation, etc to get you to go further and further away from God. That way when you do catch a glimpse of God’s truth, Satan has so much stuff piled on top of you that you stay where he wants you rather than seeing all of God’s truth. Satan’s deceit is so intense that you can’t escape on your own, you need something (the belief in and power of God) to be able to get out. We can’t fight Satan on our own. We need help.

Sensored exits and cameras – Satan has his eyes on you and as soon as he sees you stepping closer to God he will try his hardest to pull you back in.

Maze – He keeps things confusing and winding so that we aren't able to find our way out of his lies and his grip.

Controlling who talks to who and what room you’re allowed in – Satan tries to keep us away from the people he knows that are going to encourage us to open our eyes and see what’s going on. He tries to keep us away from friends, communities, groups of people that are going to support us in a way that could lead us away from him and towards God.

Holding doors open – God is more powerful than Satan and God can orchestrate those of us to come together that need to come together to defeat the Enemy. When you see people struggling, believing lies, accepting this as reality, break down those barriers and open their eyes to the truth. It’s not always easy and it may require some time and effort on your part, but the end result – their freedom in Christ – will be worth it. Also, it doesn't matter who it is that is trapped by Satan - gay, straight, black, white, girl, guy, rich, poor, like you, not like you, it doesn't matter - we are called to reach ALL the nations. God does not write a single exception to that - not only the nations that we are comfortable with or that look like us... ALL the nations.

Helping each other – As the body of Christ we should be working together, helping each other, to win hearts for God’s Kingdom. If somebody is trying to tear down a barrier and needs two arms and two legs, but only has 2 arms and 1 leg, step in and be that other leg or encourage someone else to be that other leg while you go tear down another barrier. We need to be working together to tear down the barriers Satan has put in their lives to keep them from God and His promises. Together, with God’s power, we can fight Satan, but chances are if we leave each other out there to fend for ourselves we will be more susceptible to Satan and his lies.

Music, movies, lights, etc – Satan knows exactly what distractions, lies, and tricks to put in place to keep our eyes focused on something other than God and he has a never ending supply of those things. We need to keep our eyes open and mind aware of these things and when we see them creeping into our lives, we need to turn them over to God.

Oblivious people – There are so many people in the world around us that have no idea what an intense spiritual battle is going on for their hearts. They go about their lives completely caught up in Satan’s deceit, not even knowing they are caught up in it. Some of them are aware that something is going on, but whatever they’ve got going for them at the moment is just too good for them to pay any mind to the God thing.

The pass – The pass to leave Satan’s grip is belief in God and His Son Jesus as the sacrifice for our sins. When you choose to receive this pass, you have to leave your old way of life behind and begin living a life for Christ.

The freedom – The freedom that is experienced once you have confessed your belief in Christ and finally realize the power you have over Satan with the Word of God is unexplainable. It’s seriously one of those things that has to be experienced by each person for themselves. The closest I can get to explaining it is after years of being chained in a dark, cold cellar with no light, stuck in the same position 24/7, you are finally released into the warm, bright sunlight, free to run, dance, jump, shout.

The decision – Every day we are faced with this decision on several different occasions throughout the day. Are we going to receive His unconditional love and His forgiveness and be thankful for the freedom He has given to us and be in awe of his glory and just keep all this for ourselves, while we watch our friends and family, and even strangers for that matter, still be bound by Satan’s lies and darkness? Or are we going to risk ourselves, armored with God’s Word, promises, and truth, with a new heart and a new mind, and step back into the space that we were once in ourselves that God pulled us out of, and help pull as many people out with us as we can so they can experience our Heavenly Father’s love, grace, mercy, forgiveness, freedom, guidance, and all else that He has to offer every single one of us? People always ask the question – “What if that person dies tomorrow and you just passed up the one opportunity to show them or tell them about the love of Christ?”, but my new question is – What if YOU die tomorrow and missed out on the chances to witness to the people you love and care for or the grocery store clerk or your mail man? Do you want to rely on someone else to bring your mom, dad, cousin, brother, best friend, favorite dry cleaner, etc to Christ so they can spend eternity with their Heavenly Father? What if the people you are relying on to do that have the same, someone else will do it or I’ll do it later attitude that you have? God isn’t a selfish God, He is a selfless God. So let’s make the decision to share His selfless love with everyone we know or brush shoulders with in whichever way is best for the given situation. The number of passes is unlimited so let’s start handing them out!!!

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