Friday, January 13, 2012

Oh I Think They Like Me

Many exciting things are coming about in preparing for this journey!!!

1. I discovered that I won't need to get an International Driver's License to drive in Australia. I will however be asking the family if they could take me on some back roads for some practice.

2. It is looking as though I will more than likely be in Australia for only 6 months - sometime in June through sometime in December. If that is the case I will then hopefully be a live-in nanny for a family somewhere in the US (currently looking at NYC).

3. Last night I purchased a 3-month subscription to the site/agency. The subscription allows me and families to e-mail each other and see each other's full profiles.

4. This is the most exciting (slightly nerve wracking) part... I officially have 2 families I have favorited that have favorited me back and told me they were interested!!! Both families live approximately 3 hours from Sydney, which is not too far if I wanted to make a couple day trips up there. One family lives in a very isolated, mountainous area 30 minutes outside of Canberra (Australia's capital). The other family lives in Canberra. Canberra has a lot of fun and exciting things to learn about, see, and explore.

These 2 families aren't the end though. More families will show up as the time continues to get closer, but it's always better to start early so I don't miss a single opportunity. Who knows, maybe I'll be living with one of these two families come June...

1 comment:

  1. How exciting! What interests you about being a live in nanny in NYC? I know everything in Australia comes first of course I was just wondering ahead lol.
