Monday, October 7, 2013

The Yellow Brick Road Stops Here

Feeling a bit like someone took a milkshake put in full cream milk and 20 different flavors and then handed it to a person who just wanted a soy vanilla milkshake.

One second I'm ecstatic, making plans, and smiling ear to ear and the next second I'm on the edge of tears (not the good/happy kind). Seeing all of my stuff packed into suitcases... Having said far too many goodbyes or see you next times yesterday... Saying good-night to Louise (who I've been staying with) for that one last time... Having that one last meal and sleep at the house that quickly became my home here... It all just makes it way too real... It is real though. It is very very real. I get on a plane in less than 12 hours to fly home "for good". To be leaving with no set plans to return just feels weird and wrong...

Now that things from the day and evening have settled down it's becoming very difficult to hold the tears back... And I have a feeling once all the crazyness of the morning settles down and I'm at my gate at the airport... I'll have the same problem... Leaving the culture, mindset, and my Compass family is proving to be harder than I expected, but I just try to remember to remain grateful for the opportunities I've had here and the life long relationships and growth that have come from this whole experience.

Australia was a physical journey and adventure - Great Barrier Reef, hang gliding, microlighting, rainforest, Bridge Climb, Opera House, steam train, the Outback, kayaking, glacier climbing, bungy jumping, sky diving, canyon climbing, cliff jumping, White Night, Art Festival, and more!! However, it was so much more than that. It was a personal journey as well resulting in confidence, boldness, perspective, grown up taste buds, less trackies, new skills (like driving a manual, figuring out trains and trams, eating ribs, and more), and deep friendships. Most importantly however, it was a spiritual journey. God and I have been through so much in the last year and a half. I knew He had a plan for me here, but I didn't know just how much He had planned!! And we all thought I was an over scheduler! ;) His timing was impeccable. His orchestration was perfect. His presence and love was never ending. I'm coming back as the same old me - random, crazy, loving, loud, trackie loving, emotional, etc - but I'm coming back with a renewed mind, heart, and spirit.

We are given things for a season and unfortunately this season ended sooner than I expected, but it has turned out to be a fantastic last month and a half. I spent the entire time traveling and hanging out with friends. I honestly can't think of a better way to wrap up this journey. Not to mention there are several situations back home in which I am needed/wanted and I feel like it is about time I take all this love, care, and attention my Compass family has showered me with and give some back to my family/friends back home. It's weird because although I'm sad about leaving, I do feel as though it is time. It just feels right...ish...(I know this is contradictory to what I said earlier, but that just goes to prove my mixed feelings). I'm excited (I think) about this next season God has in store for me, because I feel like, once again, it will be like anything I've ever experienced.

Well... seeing as how I have to be up in 5 hours to get ready to leave for the airport, I should probably wrap this up. This is the last blog I'll be writing from Australia, but it isn't the last I'll be writing about Australia. As I continue to reminisce on my time here once I get back home I'm sure the emotions will continue to come and go and mix themselves around a bit, but I figure at some point that will all settle down.

Thank you to my Compass Family, my host family, and to the whole of Australia for giving me one heck of an unforgettable life time journey and experience!! I already can't wait to come back!! See you next time!! <3

1 comment:

  1. I love you Nikki and know that you will definitely be able to re live Australia and aussie life when you come talk to my kiddies year to year about your experience because I love the Australia unit I developed and plan on teaching it as long as the curriculum allows me! So I need a person who experienced Australia first hand and guess what...its you!
