Saturday, January 19, 2013

Hillsong - God Is Moving

I went to Hillsong Church this morning and just... just wow...

During worship (which was entirely too cool to be worshiping my Heavenly Father with 3,000 other people with what is simply one of the most amazing Christian bands ever LIVE) I took a look around and noticed something in the faces of these people.... Passion. There were tears (in more than just my own eyes) and hands raised throughout, but it wasn't some social obligation, some burst of emotion spurred by the environment, or a requirement... No, it was a true love and heart of worship pouring out of these people to their Heavenly Father.

If that wasn't enough, the message was on evangelism and honestly as soon as he started speaking I couldn't  stop the tears running down my cheeks as he talked about needing to reach the thirsty and the lost and the only people coming to my mind were my host family - Jen, Daniel, Michelle, Ben, and Joseph. How much my heart longs for them to know the grace, mercy, love, and freedom that is in Christ Jesus. How my heart longs for them to know the eternal life that is available and waiting for them. How my heart longs for them to know what it is like for their hearts to be changed and their lives to transformed when Jesus enters it.

I'm continually encouraged as Daniel asks questions (mostly around Christmas time and undoubtedly again around Easter) about my beliefs, the type of church I go to, what the environment there is like, what we talk about at LifeGroup, etc. Today he dropped me off at church, went to a cafe, and was then going to pick me up outside when the service was over. I come out of the service to find him standing in Hillsong's little shop area. He asked me how it was and then helped me pick out shirts as I explained the different graphics to him. At some point he then mentioned that he actually came into the auditorium and stood at the back for the last minute to 30 seconds of the service.

God is at work in his heart. I can sense it. I can feel it. I'll continue doing what I've been called to do, which is live according to His Word, sharing my love for Him, and showing them His love. I will continue praying for them, knowing that the seeds are being planted and I am doing my part while the rest is between them and God. Please, pray for my host family with me as He draws them nearer to Him and pray that He gives me the wisdom to notice opportunities to share His love and Word and the courage to then follow through with that.

I believe that we are where we are for a reason and today was solid proof of why I believe that.

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