Saturday, June 15, 2013

His Blessings Have No Boundaries

I went to Greensboro again, but this time on a Sunday for an overnight visit.

I started my visit by going to my church I attended while in Uni. From my first step in the door I felt like I was being welcomed home. I got greeting after greeting and hug after hug. I have to say though, the best two hugs were from my JenIfer and Ana. I forgot, until I saw them, just how much I miss their smiles. These two girls have the biggest, most beautiful smiles ever. There was so much love in just their two hugs. After saying hey to several other people I got settled for praise and worship to begin. I forgot how much I absolutely love PIC's praise and worship. There is just something in the spirit of that church that welcomes His presence in with every worship session. Towards the end of worship our pastor went up front and, while I don't remember his exact words, pretty much opened the mic up for people to share quick snippets about something God has done for them in their life. I could feel God tugging at my heart and I knew exactly what He wanted me to share - the very mini version of my Life Story (from back in December when I shared with my church in Australia). I wasn't nervous or scared. I figured if He wanted me to share there was a reason for it, and while most of these people know me, they don't know this part about me, but that doesn't matter when He wants you to share. I shared just a short, specific section of my story. Shortly after we broke for a short fellowship session. During the fellowship time I had someone come to me and tell me they needed to hear what I spoke about. I talked with them for the whole fellowship time. When it came time for the sermon, a young guy got up and shared on a similar topic that I had. It was completely unexpected, as I'm sure mine was for most people as well, but cool to hear his story. The sermon was mostly about planting seeds, witnessing, and being intentional in these things. Once again I felt God tugging at me and once again I knew just what He wanted me to share, so I did. What I shared that second time around was something that just happened a couple of weeks before I left for home and how that came about is a very special story to me and really reveals God's power, but it is far too involved to blog, however, if you wish to know I can certainly share it with you.

After the sermon, person after person came to me telling me they need to hear what I shared and I talked with each of them for as long as I could. I made it a point myself to go find the young guy who shared and encourage him to continue sharing his story so that he can encourage others, especially those who have dealt or are dealing with the same situation, and especially those who are too afraid or ashamed to talk about it. He told me that he wasn't going to share, until he heard me, then he thought that if I could do it, then he could do it. I think it's really cool that not only did God use me to send a message to certain people, but He used me to encourage this young man to have the freedom and strength found in God to share his story. By the end of church, when only a few of us were left, I couldn't help but smile at knowing that God had clearly chosen to take something in my life that Satan had meant for harm and He has now turned it around to be an encouraging, inspiring story of His love, grace, mercy, forgiveness, freedom, power, and so much more.

After church I had plans to go out to lunch with Jen and Ana (mentioned previously) and Lindsey (who we went and picked up). I don't think I have ever been so blessed during a lunch date ever. These girls constantly reminded me that God is a fun-loving God and He loves to see us smile and laugh ("Drunk in the Spirit", "Anoint the breathalyzer with my spit"). These girls constantly remind me that God is so much more than just a being who hangs out in the heavens looking down on us, but that He is our everything - provider, friend, romancer, caretaker, etc. These girls constantly remind me of what it looks like to have a heart that is chasing after His and a heart that looks like His. These girls constantly remind me of what it feels like and looks like to be on fire for Him. These girls constantly remind me how to see Him in small, every day things. These girls constantly remind me what it looks like to have a life that is revolved around Him and conformed to His ways rather than the other way around. I am so very blessed to have such close relationships with these girls. Yeah, we talked about other things while we ate, but somehow it always wrapped right back around to talking about just how awesome our Heavenly Father is.

Later on I met up with Ashley, one of my best friends from Uni, which once again (as most of my visits were while home) was way too short. It was crazy to see her entirely moved out of her parent's house in her own apartment working a full time job in her field, but then again, I'm sure it's weird for her seeing all my Australia pictures and blogs and hearing all my stories. She is one person I am making sure to schedule a much longer hang out session with when I come home in December. I felt like our time was over before it started. The time we did get however was good, as any time with Ashley always is, I would just have liked more.

After Ashley's I met up with my Whitney Leigh (aka: Scooby) again, but this time for dinner (again at an Italian restaurant) with our Aunt and her family. After dinner our Uncle left with the kids and took them home so us girls could get some good chat time with each other. We left the restaurant and went next door to a frozen yogurt place and sat there for a very long time chatting up a storm. It's been a while since the 3 of us have really gotten to chat the way we did that evening and I was very thankful for that time. Afterwards, Whitney and I planned an impromptu sleepover at her apartment (I was supposed to sleep at Ana's since Whitney wasn't supposed to be sleeping in Greensboro this night) which we were both super excited about.

Sleepovers with Whitney are something so special to me. I have had more sleepovers with her in my life than any other single person. Most of our dearest memories come from sleepovers - mancala, shredded cheese, toe jam, stories, drawing on backs, grandmaw's, mystery date, pay day, and so much more. This one was no different. We reminisced on some of those moments from our childhood together, played pay day, and talked about what's happened over the past 10 months and our future plans. Whitney and I have one heck of a special bond that nothing the world throws at us could ever break - believe me, it's thrown a couple things our way. Don't get me wrong, I love all of my close friends dearly, but the history Whitney and I share and the memories upon memories we've made just won't ever compare to any other relationship I have. When I'm with her there's just a level of peace and comfortability that comes about. Whitney and I can talk up a storm or be completely silent and either way it's good. I know I can be completely and totally 100% myself and open with no concerns whatsoever about what she might think of me. Whitney has seen me at my worst and I've seen her at hers, but we've also seen each other at our bests. I love my Scooby and am so very grateful for the extra, unexpected time we got together during my visit home.
Summer 2004... maybe...
July 2012
At the end of the day I couldn't help but think about the fact that God has blessed me with an outstanding church and people in Australia (half way around the world) just as He has blessed me with an outstanding church and people right at home. I love that His blessings have no boundaries - not distance, not water, not land, nothing can stop Him.

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