Saturday, June 29, 2013

Sissys (and K)!! Prom and Grad

One of the main events that I wanted to be home for, but was sure that I'd miss, was my little sister Rebeka's prom. Turns out, I came home the weekend before it. I was so excited that I wouldn't be missing this moment in her life as well. Senior year of high school is such a big year and I had already missed the entire thing and I didn't want to miss this also.

I arrived plenty early to see the full transformation from my normal (as normal as she can be anyway ;) we are very much alike in our weirdness) beautiful little sister to my extraordinarily beautiful grown little sister. I didn't help, because let's face it, when it comes to hair and make-up we all know I'm the bare minimum kind of gal, but it was so nice to be there for the occasion, to chat, give her a few words of big sisterly advice, and see her off. Don't be fooled, she isn't that much taller than me, she just has on massive heels. ;)

The other main event I needed to be home for was Rebeka's graduation. Graduations are a big deal to me because it means you've made it through one chapter of your life and are moving on to the next and to see someone I love so much reach this point, I wanted to be there for it to celebrate with her in her accomplishment. 

I planned on driving in with Kaitlyn (my neighbor, one of my best friends), but first we were going to drive further out to Belk to pick up something for one of my friends back in Australia. About an hour before we were supposed to leave Kaitlyn calls me to say the dress she bought still has the ink tag on it, so now we have to stop there as well before we leave. Then about 15 minutes before we're supposed to leave Kaitlyn calls me again to say her straightener died and needed to borrow mine. About 10 minutes later she arrived at my house. Now Kaitlyn doesn't have thin hair like I do which only requires a quick, short straighten/curl... No, Kaitlyn has loooong, thick, wavy hair... so this was no quick little do. By the time we pulled out of the driveway it was about 3:30 (the graduation started at 4:30) and we still had to drive to different places in a different city/town than the graduation. Did I mention it was POURING rain?! We pulled out of the driveway and I was sure I had left my phone inside, so she pulled back in the driveway, I found my phone, and we left again. This was just a small peak into the ridiculous that this night was about to become. 

We made it safely (surprisingly considering half the time you couldn't see two inches in front of the car) to both locations with quick runs in and back out and pulled into our parking space at the event center at 4:20. Our hair was a bit messed up from dashing in the rain, but other than that I'd say we looked pretty darn good. Kaitlyn put on her makeup and then it was time to go the long distance to the building. We avoided as many puddles as possible and climbed up and down hills and stairs. By the time we reached the doors I was out of breath. They checked our bags and we went to look for my non-graduating little sister, Amanda. I don't know what I was doing, but I clearly wasn't looking in the right spot because I couldn't find her. Good thing I had Kait with me though because she spotted her in a second. Lucky for us they were sitting smack dab in the middle of everything right up front AND graduation had already started so it was dead quiet except for the person speaking. So here goes Kaitlyn and I (both graduates of this high school and walked down these steps once before, but much slower and in heels) charging down the stairs as quietly as possibly, but it's hard when they are metal/bleacher stairs. 

We get to our seats and get some nasty looks from the snobs in front of us and I am sweating and feel like a hot mess, still out of breath. Now probably wasn't an appropriate time for me to catch up with Amanda, but she's my little sissy, I missed her, and we have limited time while I'm home, so we went for it. Unfortunately, Amanda can't whisper to save her life, so we got more nasty looks. Once we'd had our fill though we quieted down and listened to the same old same old graduation speeches and then the names started. One by one I counted and checked the program waiting for my Rebeka's name to be called. When it was we all cheered, I waited for everyone to quiet down, and then I screamed loud enough for all of Chapel Hill to hear, "I love you sissy!!!" I just wanted her to know that I had made it and was there celebrating with her. I felt so blessed to be able to be home and there for that moment. It may just be a few steps across the stage, but it stands for so much more than just that. My little sister is growing up (fast might I add) and moving forward to bigger and better things and I can't wait to see where life takes her!! =]

After graduation I gave her a big hug and then went to find some other people I knew. I got to see Charon!! My theater trouble making buddy from high school who always used to make me laugh no matter how down and out I was. I saw my youth pastor from high school, Raymond, which was completely unexpected! And I saw Savannah, a little girl I used to babysit, who really isn't all that little anymore. To think I used to babysit Savannah when we was like 8 and tell her when to go to bed and not to make a mess and to quit aggravating her little brothers (who also aren't really all that little anymore either) and now she's graduating from high school, moving away from home, and heading off to college... seriously... it blows my mind. I remember when I first saw her driving around the Loop with her permit and I thought that was crazy, but that was just yesterday, wasn't it?! Are you sure she's old enough to graduate?! Not cool father time... not cool!!!

After I gathered my brain off the floor which had turned to mush with all these emotions and thinking Kaitlyn, Amanda, and I headed to my 2nd dad's work for Rebeka's graduation party. We ate food, which I wish I had more room in my stomach for because it was so freaking good I wanted like 12 plates of it. We danced, ridiculously might I add, but that's just how it goes. We looked through pictures of Beka growing up. We had cake, which stained my tooth because of all the dye in it. And we just hung out and chatted about just about anything. I mostly talked with Amanda and Kaitlyn, but also spent some time with my Beka spinning her around in a chair while she held a bunch of balloons, you know, as you do. Towards the end those of us left helped break down and clean up. This was the most time I got to spend with my 2nd dad, this cleaning up portion, but unfortunately the time was spent doing that, cleaning. 

After the party I gave my graduated little sister a hug and Amanda, Kaitlyn, and I headed out to the car because they had run out of seats to take Amanda home, we did. I didn't mind though, hopefully neither did Kaitlyn since she was driving ( ;) just messing, I know she didn't mind). Sitting with Amanda during graduation, the party, and now the drive home really gave me some time to feel like I had hung out with her. It wasn't exactly one on one, but it was as close as we were going to get at this point (plus we had some one on one time when I picked her up from school early earlier on in my visit home). If anyone who didn't know us had been with us, they would have had no idea the massive age gap between Amanda and I (who is now DRIVING by the way!!!, again father time... NOT COOL!!!). She is so beautiful, so mature (in most areas of life), and so sweet (to me anyways). I love my baby sis!! <3

Now, it seems like I was celebrating Rebeka but got to spend more time with Amanda, but that's just what happens when someone has a party or celebration. Their time is divided between everyone there, so luckily the day before I left Rebeka came to see me and she went to a store with me and then hung out at my house for a bit and chatted so I could get some one on one time with her as well. I kept thinking to myself that the next time I see her in person she is going to be a college student... and then I stopped thinking that because it started freaking me out. Father time was being far from kind to me during this visit home... 
Definitely not the same little girls they used to be <3

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