Monday, January 14, 2013

Swiveling and Atomic Food (V4 & V5)

Wow!! Spending 4 days in the city was quite the adventure (and isn't over yet, I'm going back at the end of my stay here) and above and beyond what I had imagined. To kick off my Sydney blogging, here are a couple vlogs. I have 2 others in the making but are longer and will require some editing so will hopefully be up within the next few days. I will also be writing about specific things I did. In the meantime, why don't you go swiveling with me and then learn the Atomic Food Dance!


  1. It's 6:41am here, and I'm grinning so big because of your videos. I didn't swivel with you, but I enjoyed the dancing - especially the guy in blue behind you who looked like he was going to be tested later on the moves. Love you much!

    1. My Anna-san!!! I'm so glad I could make you smile so early on a work morning! You probably shouldn't swivel being pregnant and all ;). I know, he was so serious about doing the dance and doing it right. I love that all the adults there got into it just as much as the kids. Love you mucher (how's that for English ;)!!!

  2. Also, I'm going to be saying "celery!" at random times throughout the day :)

    1. See, I knew it would catch on! Can't help but sing it and then laugh at its ridiculousness! =]
