Wednesday, January 2, 2013


My first New Year in the city was beautiful. It was spent with good food and lollies, friends I love, and a spectacular fireworks display (video at end of post).

5 of us trained into the city and met up with 3 other people. We got food at the food court and walked to the Treasury Gardens to have a picnic. There was a DJ, cool lights, and the channel 7 news was there as well. We ate dinner and lollies (which at times involved throwing them across the group to try and make it into someone's mouth), played with glow sticks/bracelets, chatted, a few danced, watched the news reporter, complained about the bad DJ until the original one came back, and more!!

Right before 11 we worked our way toward a bridge which would give us a better view of the fireworks and boy did it ever (just wait). To pass the time we ate more lollies, chatted, and played the game concentration (where you come up with a topic and then take turns naming things in the category without repeating something that's already been said).
Sitting on the bridge (in the road) waiting for fireworks
About a minute before 12 Nikki (not me) pulled up the official countdown on her phone and at about 15 seconds she and some of the others in our group started counting out loud. By 8 half of the people on the bridge had joined in and what do you know as soon as they said one the fireworks started. I have never seen anything like it. The fireworks were shot off the top of the city buildings and no matter what way we were facing we could see fireworks. It was literally a 360 degree view of fireworks. It was pretty cool to be right in the middle of it where you could see it, hear it, and actually practically feel them.

After the fireworks we headed straight for the train station. The crowds were intense right in front of the station (in fact many people had just stopped walking) but Nikki took the lead and charged on. We were on a train by 12:40 and home by 1:30, which may not seem amazing to you... but believe me, it is quite the feat. To do this we had to walk fairly quickly, create and try to maintain a "safety chain", walk down a dodgy set of stairs leading to the underground entrance to the platforms, and get sucked into the crowd that was pushing to get on the train, but we did it. =]

Side Note: It's 3 days later and I'll have you know, my glow bracelets are STILL glowing!!!

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