Monday, December 31, 2012

A Year In Rewind

- Dinner in the park and Fireworks in the city for NYE with the girls
- First time entirely child duty free in 5.5 months
- Changed my earrings for the first time in 4 years
- Phillip Island holiday – penguins, kayaking, seals, Christmas away from home
- 5 months in Australia
- The world didn’t end
- Rolled uphill in a chair and went on a free fall slide
- Dinner and city Christmas lights with the girls
- Started and finished the Harry Potter movies
- Massacre in elementary school
- Ben’s last music class and day of crèche
- Michelle’s last day of prep
- Celebrated Chanukah
- Shared my life story/testimony at church
- Started paying student loans

- My oldest little sister turned 18
- Ate (and liked) sushi, chicken wings, and calamari for the first time (not at the same time)
- Celebrated Mitzvah Day
- Ben is toilet trained
- Celebrated Thanksgiving with my family over Skype
- Found out Anna-san was pregnant
- Kevin Clash (Elmo) resigned
- 4 months in Australia
- Breaking Dawn Part 2
- Accepted job extension offer
- Ran (no walking) 5ks for the first time
- Learned how to play the violin
- Sweet Sunny Girl left this earth
- Obama was re-elected
- Met my niece over Skype

- Hurricane Sandy
- Lost my inhaler and haven’t needed it since
- Ran in my first mud run
- Before Your Very Eyes – Theatre Performance
- Hold - Interactive Art
- My niece was born
- An Act of Now – Dance Performance
- Got in a car accident
- 3 months in Australia
- First parallel/reverse parking
- Fell asleep Skyping home
- Flew business class for the first time
- Port Douglas – Daintree Rain Forest, Great Barrier Reef, hang gliding, microlighting, handfeeding and petting kangaroos and wallabies
- Job offer extension


- Jamie got engaged
- First ride in a taxi
- Free hugs
- Hope turned double digits! 10!
- 2 months in Australia
- Found all 50 Malis
- First ride on a tram
- Bounce Inc
- Spent the night at Nikki and Louise’s for the first time
- 99 notifications from B-Britt
- Australian Father’s Day
- First time driving the manual alone

- First pineapple fritter
- My Great Aunt RIP
- Watched my first live footy game
- Went to the MCG
- 1 month in Australia
- Said Melbourne correctly for the first time
- Saw my first Australian movie
- Started manual driving lessons (not counting the one in the US)
- First ride on a train
- Did my own nails for the first time in 7 years
- Saw the Brighton Bathing Boxes

- Drove both kids to school by myself for the first time
- Went to Compass for the first time
- Olympics
- Michelle’s 6th birthday
- Discovered Tim Tam Slams
- First driving lesson
- Colorado shooting
- First Shabbat and first taste of Challah
- Went to LifeGroup for the first time and met Louise, Nikki, and Georgina
- Met Michelle
- Arrived at my Australian home and met Gran, Jen, Joseph, and Ben
- Met Daniel
- 2 hour power outage in the Melbourne airport
- Arrived in Australia
- Left home
- My last Taco Bell
- All packed
- Last night time Munkie snuggles
- Last snuggles with my ma
- See You Later Party
- Acrylic nails off for the first time in 7 years
- Lunch with Roomie (Christy)
- First Australian money
- Lost 10 pounds
- Last hangout with my little sisters
- Last Sunday at PIC
- Said goodbye to Roomie (Michelle)
- Lunch date with Scooby (Whitney)
- Carowinds with Fast Lane passes with my family
- Received gift/book from host family
- Last night at Grandmaw’s house with Scooby (Whitney)

- Pentatonix’s first music video
- Pentatonix’s first EP
- My Big Sis and Big Friend got a house
- My Aussie kids made me birthday cards
- Anna-san got married
- Turned 22 – wedding, family dinner, and birthday twin
- Little sister’s senior pictures
- Got my degree in the mail
- Fran, the Card Club Boss – RIP
- Got International Driver’s Permit
- 1 month until I leave for Australia
- Said goodbye to CCEP
- New deck
- Jessica got married
- Received first e-mail from Louise
- Said See You Later to my Hopie
- Made fire and roasted marshmallows with Scooby (Whitney)
 -Ordered the shirts I designed for my Aussie kids
- XDA Recital

- Last sleepover with my Hopie
- Big Sis’ Worship event – signed in it and found out the baby would be a girl
- House series finale
- Ohio with my extended family – just me and them, camping, saw Fran for the last time
- 2 months until I leave for Australia
- Sleepover with Anna-San and JenIfer
- Moved out of my apartment
- Amendment 1 was passed
- Said goodbye to my Roomie (Megan)
- Met my Aussie kids on Skype
- Walked under the clock
- Graduated
- ECM end of year hang out
- Found out I’d be graduating Summa Cum Laude
- Got my canon T2i
- Received my first e-mail from Compass

- Dogwood Festival with my Hopie
- Took my final final exam
- Started and finished Hunger Games series
- Cap and Gown photos with Jessica and Ashley
- Toured UNCG campus with Whitney
- Munkie’s 2nd birthday
- Purchased flight to Australia
- Carowinds with my little sisters and my Hopie
- Got my Australian Visa
- Said goodbye to my student teaching kids
- Dick Clark died
- 3 months until I leave for Australia
- Student Excellence Award ceremony
- Interview and position offer from Melbourne host family
- International Festival with PIC and Roomie Michelle
- Responded to Melbourne family’s written interview questions
- Easter at Mummy’s with the Roomies
- One Tree Hill series finale
- Anna-san’s surprise wedding shower
- Found out my big sis was pregnant

- ECM Game/Worship Night
- Received Student Excellence Award
- Given “Being Emo: A Puppeteer’s Journey” as a gift
- Cap and Gown Photos with oldest little sister Rebeka
- 4 months until I leave for Australia
- Munkie’s first outdoor experience
- Got out of jury duty
- Bought cap and gown
- Canberra family said they no longer wanted an aupair
- 3rd (and final) Canberra interview scheduled, didn’t happen
- K came to Greensboro to spend the night
 -2nd Canberra interview scheduled, didn’t happen
- 1st Canberra interview schedule, didn’t happen
- Mall and gallivanting around town and sleepover with my Hopie
- Discovered the singer Jamie Grace

- Talking seriously with family in Canberra
- The death of Jan Berenstain
- Canberra family is very interested in me as their aupair
- Discovered the restaurant Red Bowl
- Met my brother’s girlfriend Lydia
- Zumbathon
- 5 months until I leave for Australia
- ECM Old Folks Party
- RIP Whitney Houston
- Said goodbye to sweet Trouble boy, RIP
- Sleepover with my Hopie

- Helena Bonnett was born
- Helped Joy Jones unpack and organize their apartment
- Discovered Red Box
- Discovered in addition to Manx, Munkie is also part Egyptian Mau
- Bought my first “big girl clothes” with my Roomies
- 6 months until I leave for Australia
- Signed at church
- Received my first e-mail from an Australian family
- First day of Student Teaching
- Beginning of final semester of college
- First Australian family favorited me
- Left the country for the first time (Canada) to see Niagara Falls
- Irish pub and fireworks in Rochester, NY for NYE with the Roomies

**If your picture is posted and you don't want it up just let me know and I will remove it. However, you guys are all very special to me and the memories we've made I hold dear so I hope you'll let your picture stay.** <3 =]

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