Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas Eve at Phillip Island

While this post starts of sad... It gets a lot better.

I woke up, hadn't even opened my eyes, realized it was Christmas Eve, and immediately started crying... No matter how strange I told myself I was being, I couldn't stop. It was just hard knowing that it was Christmas Eve and I wasn't with my family. In 22 years I have never spent a Christmas Eve (or Christmas) without their fun, laughter, love, Christmas preparations, snuggles, etc. To make it even more difficult, I wasn't at the house I've come to know as home here. I wasn't even at my 2nd home here. I was 2 hours from either home and in a completely different environment. It just didn't sit well with me.

I went out into the living room, trying to keep myself controlled, and Skyped home. My dad answered Skype and all control was lost. I immediately started crying again and because Jen and Mich were in the living room (I have to use the internet in the living room because the internet requires me to be hooked up to the cable at the desk) I tried very hard to conceal that I was crying. Well, he chatted with me and got me out of it, but then when we finished and I started chatting with my mom, it happened all over again. She got me out of it and as always had me smiling and laughing, but when it came time to say goodbye, I started crying again. At some point during this I had posted a status on facebook about how I was struggling this morning. Also at some point during this Michelle, who is very perceptive of peoples' emotions, came over and gave me a cuddle and told me she was going to make some beaded jewelry for me. While trying to collect myself so I could sign off Skype with my mom I got a text from Louise, which gave me a smile and what I needed to be able to start collecting myself. I was able to say goodbye to my ma with a smile and then started making breakfast. I just put the toast in the toaster and my phone rang and I knew without looking at my phone that it would be Georgina.

Georgina's timing with phone calls is absolutely impeccable. I cancelled the toaster and went back to my room to chat with her. As always she let me cry and vent, then told me about her one Christmas away from home and the ups and downs that came along with it. She mentioned that Christmases away from home are quite different, but that's what makes them memorable forever. Through chatting I also realized that my family back home is having a very different Christmas as well - not the same tree, not as many decorations, no nativity scene, and they were having Christmas on Christmas Eve (for me). And of course, by the end of the convo she had me smiling again and talking about something else entirely. I hung up with her and 4 seconds later my phone rang and this time it was Nikki. She too let me talk out my feelings and then told me about her one Christmas away from home, its ups and downs, and how it was different but memorable. And just as before, but the end of the convo I was laughing and smiling and had practically forgot about the tears from the morning.

I left my room to find Michelle had made me a necklace out of beads which reminded me that at least I am with a host family who loves me during the holiday season. And from here on out, the day only got better and better. Jen, Daniel, and the boys went out and Michelle went to the resort's kids club so I got some time alone in the apartment. I picked Mich up at noon, made us both lunch, and then she and I made Christmas decorations (snowflakes turned into monsters and ornaments). I loved this one-on-one time with Mich. I always do. She's so creative, clever, and smiley that one-on-one time is such a beautiful experience. When the rest of the family arrived home Ben joined me and Mich in the Christmas decoration making. Later in the afternoon Daniel and the kids helped me set up my tiny Christmas tree and a Christmas tree on the window made of lights. We hung the kids' ornaments on the tree on the window. After dinner we ate the gingerbread house we made earlier during the holiday. This was too much fun. The kids (and admittedly) the adults enjoyed every bit of eating the house. I've only ever had gingerbread houses from a kit and the house itself is hard and stale, but because this was baked fresh just a few days before by the local bakery, the gingerbread was actually the best part. Afterwards we all cuddled up on the couches to watch a movie. I got in some good cuddle time with both Mich and Ben. After the movie finished and the kids went to bed, once I was sure they were asleep, I laid out their presents and stockings and then headed to bed myself.

Laying in bed on Christmas Eve I couldn't help but just pour out thanks to my Heavenly Father as He clearly celebrated Christmas Eve with me. He was there as I cried in the morning. He was there as my mom and dad helped comfort me from 10,000 miles away. He was there in the sweet texts and phone calls from my friends that were perfectly timed. He was there in Michelle's sweet spirit as she saw I was upset. He was there in my beautiful quiet time with Mich. He was there as I chatted with the children about why I celebrate Christmas. He was there as my host family did what they could to help make it a special evening for me (setting up the trees, eating the gingerbread, movies/cuddles, etc). And He was there as I lay my head down on my pillow at the end of an emotional, busy, fun day with a smile on my face and calmness in my heart.

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