Friday, December 7, 2012

Toilet Trained

On Monday November 5th we started toilet training Benjamin and as of Friday, November 23rd he is officially toilet trained... Day AND Night!!! 

We used sticker charts and rewards throughout as he reached different points on his sticker charts. Stickers were given for wees and poos, but at the start it was mostly wees because those are easier for them to do. As time went on we started using 2 charts - one for wees and one for poos. We got to a point where he was no longer putting stickers on for wees. We took that chart away and just did the poo chart. Then at the end of it all we took the poo chart away and gave him a certificate. Now he does his wees and poos with no stickers and no rewards, just verbal praise. He even stops in the middle of meals and play to rush to the toilet. He usually goes about 3-4 days in a row without an accident and he wakes up dry every morning. 

It may seem weird to write about this, but this was a big deal for him and the rest of the family. It was emotionally taxing for everyone and required a lot of physical effort from Ben to think about the different parts of his body, the feelings, and the muscles. Ben being toilet trained has taken a lot of stress and concern off of everyone - he could only move on to Kinder (preschool) at the Jewish school Mich goes to, if he was toilet trained. The best part though is seeing how proud of he is of himself!! He recognizes what a big boy thing this is and now he wears big boy undies like all the other children his age that are around him. I think he also feels the release of stress everyone, including himself, was feeling. 

When I think back now, it's so weird to think that only a month ago I was changing his nappies... It almost seems wrong... He's just such a big boy!! I can't believe it only took 3 weeks!! So proud of BenBen!!!

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