Saturday, December 1, 2012

Not So Picky Nikki

Last weekend Daniel asked if I'd like to go to dinner at a restaurant named Big Boy BBQ. They pride themselves on making authentic USA BBQ. I checked out the menu beforehand and wasn't too fond of it, but figured why not give it a try. I went and I ate... WAAAAY too much! I don't know if it was "authentic USA BBQ" but I do know that it was very yummy and if my stomach would have allowed me to I would have eaten for another 4 hours. On our platter we had sliced beef pastrami, sliced beef brisket, chicken wings, fries/chips, and coleslaw. I've watched enough movies with people eating chicken wings that I figure... It can't be that hard... I'll just do what they do - no silverware, no concern about cleanliness, just tear the chicken apart and eat it. So at 22 I did just that, had my first chicken wing, and oh my was it good.

I'm starting to discover that this whole trying new foods thing really isn't as scary as I once thought - either you like it or you don't, no big deal. If you don't like it, fine don't eat it again. If you do, great! You just discovered another thing you can eat and you are now easier to have as a lunch/dinner/house guest! While in Australia my food preferences have grown more than at any other point in my life. I've had my first pumpkin, my first cherry, my first chicken wing, and my first taste of sushi. Yes, you read that right, sushi. Cooked tuna, cucumber, rice, and seaweed... and it was SO yum!!! I can't wait to come home and actually eat the dishes my mama has been cooking all these years that I've never touched.

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