Saturday, December 22, 2012

Phillip Island - Just Getting Started

Phillip Island! Phillip Island! I don't know where to start!!

I've been on holiday now for 5 days (can't believe 5 days have come and gone just like that) and while there have been some moments of over stimulation and the need to interact with people other than my host family there have also been some amazing life experiences and memories made.

The drive down to Phillip Island was beautiful - long open roads, wide open fields, cows and horses, blue skies... Started to remind me a bit of home. =]

The resort is really nice - game room (pool, air hockey, ping pong), playground with swings and jumping pillows (google it, they're pretty sweet), indoor and outdoor pool (with plenty of chairs and space), and a gym (which I won't be using, I am on holiday after all). We aren't actually on Phillip Island, we are about a 2 minute drive from the bridge that takes you over there. The apartment itself has a great view of the water, 2 balconies, and I have my own room. It is quite a bit smaller and more compact than where we stayed in Port Douglas. I think we are all feeling a bit edgy and on top of one another at this point, which is why I'm getting out and doing some things on my own today and tomorrow. We got a new TV on our second day here which was nice because it's way bigger and has an internal DVD player. The internet requires you to be at the desk and plugged in to a cord, but one of the many families Jen and Daniel know who are going to stay here as well, arrived yesterday and hooked up a wireless router for me (so very very thankful for that!).

I've only been to the pool once because with the wind it has been a bit chilly and the pool water hasn't really had the chance to warm up yet. Instead I've been sitting on our balcony (with only one lounge chair so I get to be alone) and reading while still soaking up the sun. That one time I was at the pool thought I was listening to my music and a Christmas song came on and at first I was enjoying it, singing along in my head (so as not to damage the hearing of those around me) and then I stopped and realized just exactly what was going on... I am laying out by the pool in the middle of December listening to Christmas music... freaked me out a bit so I changed the song. Still not sure I have my head wrapped around this whole Christmas in summer thing... Trying to pretend like it's July and I'm just doing Christmas in July like we've done the past couple of years with my family in Ohio.

Wednesday we went to a place called A Maze'N Things. Everywhere you look in there you will find a puzzle, maze, game, and/or illusion. It's pretty much a mini version of the National Museum of Play in NY. My favorite bits were the Gravity Room where water ran uphill, pool balls rolled uphill, and chairs slid uphill. There was also a ladder that you could lean way far forward on and not fall off. If it weren't for Michelle, I'm not sure we would have made it out of the mirror maze. She was calm and seemed to know exactly what she was doing, while on the inside I was freaking out a bit. I definitely enjoyed turning my head into dinner on a platter and making me in giant pin art. The most important bit of what I did though was the giant free fall slide that starts completely perpendicular to the ground. From the bottom it doesn't look so bad, so I went up. About 3 people until my turn, I started freaking out a bit. I followed instructions and while everything inside me said don't let go, I let go on 3 just as I was told to do and I'll admit... I screamed. I wasn't even this nervous before going hang gliding... I think it was the fact that once I let go it was up to this hard slide to catch me and for a moment you are just in the air, not holding on and not on the slide. To prove I could do it without screaming I went again but practically bit my lips off trying to keep my mouth shut. However, I would have done this a million times more if I could have. I actually wouldn't mind having one in my back yard.

On Thursday we went to the playground here at the resort and flew kites. Mich and I finally watched Annie together, which was the best cuddle time ever. We got to watch a helicopter land and take off from the hill right in front of our apartment. And the best thing that happened on Thursday... The Penguin Parade!!! =D I will be writing a separate post about this. Let's just say... I seriously contemplated changing careers and country/city of residence.

Yesterday we went down to the local fish and chips place and had lunch while we watched pelicans have lunch. There were several of them - I'd say at least 20. I've never seen a pelican in the wild, let alone been so close, or seen so many at once. It was a really neat and unique experience. They were quite aggressive with each other and I got brushed on my leg with a wing during a spat. I also almost lost my toes during one pelican's rush to get the fish down it's throat. I also learned quite a bit about them: 1) Females are smaller, 2) Mature pelicans have white and black feathers and darker yellow rings around their eyes, 3) Juvenile pelicans have white and black feathers as well as brown and have paler yellow rings around their eyes, 4) Their wings can span 7.5 - 8.5 feet, and 5) They shake slightly to dry off. There is more, but this is enough for now. Also, these facts are for the Australian Pelican and may not necessarily pertain to any of the other species of pelican.

Yesterday we also went down to the local bakery and decorated a gingerbread house. Jen and Daniel are trying really hard to make sure I feel like I'm getting to celebrate Christmas to its full extent, and for that, I am grateful. The kids had a blast, especially loved me squeezing icing into their mouths, but didn't understand why we couldn't eat it right away. I'm teaching them about the patience and anticipation that builds towards Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. The gingerbread house will be destroyed by 2 lollie eating monsters on Christmas Eve.

While the activities and things have been great, some of my favorite moments on this holiday so far have simply been painting and stickering with the kids, doing puzzles in the early morning with them on the living room floor, reading stories to them as we wait to leave, playing pretend with Littlest Pet Shop toys and markers that have special powers like making me go bald or my foot fall off, swinging with Michelle, sneaking up on and surprising Ben on the climbing structure, watching Mich as she works diligently and carefully to make me things like a bookmark, an Elmo, and a picture of us together, and watching Ben discover more about who he is and what he is capable of. Holidays are fun, but they wouldn't be nearly as unpredictable, spontaneous, fun, and full of smiles and purpose without these kiddos (no matter how much by late afternoon I would like nothing more than to get away from them).

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