Friday, November 15, 2013

The Journey Is Complete

The entirety of my last day was spent packing - from sun up to almost sun down. I had to get my life that had accumulated over the last year into 3 large suitcases and 2 small carry ons. I spent hours trying to get everything in in a way that was cost effective, space effective, and wouldn't break. It was fairly lonely, since usually when I'm packing this much stuff I have someone else with me to help or at least talk to, so I turned to Skype for some company. I Skype with my parents first and we had a really good chat about all the preparations and the excitement about me coming home (which you can see on all of our faces). It was so weird Skyping with them knowing that the next time I saw them it would be in person and it would be the last time I Skype them from Australia. I also Skype with my Martian, but she was too sad to look at the computer. Shortly after this though she was rolling around and putting on a little show. I think she was also excited about me returning. Seeing her on Skype I couldn't wait to get home and give her a squish. After Skyping with my parents I Skyped Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn helped me pack for uni (several times) and she helped me pack to leave for Australia. I so could have used her packing skills this time around as well, but her company was enough motivation to get it happening. We Skyped for a couple hours but at least one of those hours was spent pretty much in silence as she worked on her homework and I problem solved the puzzles that were my suitcases. Having her company was amazing even if she couldn't physically help. It was also weird to Skype with Kaitlyn knowing that the next time I saw her we'd be in person. It was really cool though because if we could Skype and be our usual normal selves, then I knew that when I got back we'd be able to slide right back into our usual routine.
Louise is a gem, because after her long day and work and workout at the gym, she picked me up and we went to pick up my all time favorite pizza ever - Peri Peri Chicken Pizza from Crust!!!! The bad part about this is that now that I'm writing about it I'm craving it and we don't have anything remotely close to this here. We took it home, put on a chick flick that we both have over watched so that if we didn't pay attention to it it didn't matter, and dug in on some pizza. Let's just say there were NO leftovers. YUM!!! We chatted pretty much the whole night until we decided we should probably turn in for the early call to the airport in the morning. We said goodnight and I stayed up for a couple more hours to get on the right sleep schedule for the flight home. I had to make sure I got enough sleep to get me to the time I was allowed to sleep on the plane, but not so much sleep that I would have difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep. When I decided it was time to head to bed, for the last time in Australia and for the last time in my Australian family's house, I closed my eyes and drifted off. It(SN: If you're wondering why I haven't mentioned anyone else's name from my Aussie family it is because Nikki and I said good-bye a few months back when she left for Europe for travel/school and Joan, Ian, and I said good-bye a month beforehand when they left for Europe as well for travel.) So it was just me and Louise kicking it like cool kids. 

In the morning I showered and did my hair and finished up some last minute packing. Louise and I were out the door on time and off to the airport. I couldn't quite wrap my head around what was happening, because my heart was sure I was just leaving for a bit and returning like last time, but my brain knew otherwise. When we got the airport Louise and I were both on the edge of tears, but I believe for the sake of the other and ourselves, we held it together. We swapped cards/letters, gave several hugs, and with that I turned my back on the last bit of my Australian reality and walked away. Thinking about that moment now, tears still come to my eyes. It was definitely an ending point to my journey. I am glad, however, that if it had to end that it was ending with someone I love and care about dearly. 

I got in line at baggage claim just praying that this wouldn't all go to crap. I was already trying so hard not to let the tears spill over and this was already hard enough, that troubles with too overweight baggage would send me over the edge, especially considering I only had but so much money for this. I get 2 free bags at 23kg. I have to pay for any additional bags and anything over 23kg. The max weight that can be accepted is 32kg. I put the 1st bag on - 30kgs. I put the 2nd bag on - 31.5kgs. I put the 3rd bag on - 26kgs. I asked him if I could try and rearrange stuff from the 3rd bag and put it in the other 2 so it wouldn't be overweight. He just said real softly, "No, don't worry about that, I'm not going to charge you for that one." I smiled so big and thanked Him (and my Heavenly Father) many times. My next issue was whether or not they were going to weigh my carry on. They weighed it when I flew home in May, so I was sure they would weigh it this time. The max weight for a piece of carry on luggage is 7kgs. How about the fact that I had 13kgs in one carry on and about 8kgs in the other... and how about the fact that he didn't even mention my carry on or weighing it!!! I was doing some serious thank-you shouting to God in my head for that one. 

I paid for my overweight luggage and made it through customs and security with no problem. On the way to my gate I took some time to stop at a few stores for some souvenirs for myself and some snacks. Once I was at my gate and had a chance to sit and breathe and try to understand what was happening... I broke down. I was sad, scared, anxious, worried, excited, happy, and thrilled. I called my parents and chatted with them a bit. After we got off the phone I remembered the card Louise had given me. I couldn't figure out if opening it would make things harder or easier, but knowing Nikki and Louise I'm sure there would be a smile in there somewhere, so I went for it. It was a sweet card, coupled with cat nail stickers and I literally laughed out loud. It was JUST what I needed (not the nail stickers, the laugh, though the nail stickers were pretty awesome too). On my way to board I stopped at the desk and asked if they had any window seats available with an empty seat next to it. He asked my seat number and I told him and he said with a smile, "There's an empty seat next to you now." Once again a smile beamed across my face as I thanked him and threw some more serious thank yous to my God who was clearly trying to make this difficult time easier on me. An empty seat next to you on a 15 hour flight can make a world of difference for your ability to sleep, ability to get up (when you sit by the window that is a hard task when people next to you are watching movies or sleeping), and ability to maintain your sanity (with an extra seat you have an extra food tray, extra pockets, more under seat storage space, and more storage space next to you to keep you from feeling like you can't find any of your stuff and it's just piled on top of your other stuff. 

I put on a movie - White House Down (AMAZING movie, followed later by The Internship and Great Gatsby, also good movies) and with that... I was in the air and on the way to the finish line of this journey. The only thing that made this a bit easier was knowing that at that finish line, my parents would be waiting for me with open arms. 

The flight was not as pleasant as one would have hoped because almost instantly when that plane took off my head started hurting and my nose started running. It was like my body was rejecting leaving Australia. Due to me now being sick and due to all the thoughts and emotions rushing through me, I wasn't quite able to sleep as much as I would have liked so I spent some time online and then slept on the floor during my first lay over after getting some food. During my 2nd layover I got more food and talked with a friend back home on the phone. On both of my US flights I managed to get a bit of sleep, which was also good. When I landed in Raleigh, I ran as fast as my tired, sick, hungry body could carry me to where I knew my parents were waiting for me. And there they were, waiting anxiously, with open arms, just as I knew they would be. I let go of my carry on and wrapped both arms around them as we made a Nikki sandwich and cried a few tears - tears of joy and tears of sadness.

And just like that, with that step across the finish line, into the arms of my biggest supporters... my 9,900 Mile Dream Journey to Oz was complete.


My Compass Family!!!

This journey, adventure, and once in a lifetime experience would not have been what it was without the amazing people that make up the body of Compass Church. They welcomed me in with warm, open arms and accepted me despite my baggage, my tendency to talk fast and talk a lot, and my need to have somewhere to go and people to be with. My Compass family went above and beyond what I ever could have imagined and I will forever remain grateful for their love, laughter, acceptance, teaching, and hospitality. There are no words to express my gratitude towards them and just what a very special place they have in my heart. 

My 2nd to last Sunday at Compass was hard so I knew my last Sunday would be even worse. It was a day filled with hugs, smiles, and love, but it was also a day spent holding back the tears as I tried to come to terms with the fact that it would be a very very long time before I saw most of these guys again. Clearly I haven't come quite all the way to terms with it yet, because even now as I write this (a month later) I still find myself with tears in my eyes. <3

***Please note there are several people not pictured or mentioned, but I love them just as much and can't wait to see them again either!!!***

The Tans - So caring and hospitable
My boyfriend, Ryan.
Holly and Michael - Always up for a good chat and laugh and when Michael shares a message on Sunday mornings it is always something applicable, understandable, and memorable 
Sorry, had to throw in another one. He's just too darn cute.
Elise and Sherwantha - Always full of wisdom, hugs, and smiles
Ev and Josh - Only the coolest cat and coolest rocker dude EVER
TuTu - The stranger who took my picture at my first train and then "followed" me to church ;)
Our Young Adults group at my last Sunday dinner at my favorite Thai restaurant 
I love that we know how to be serious AND silly!!!
Jemima - She responded to my first e-mail to Compass
Anna - My one and only New Zealander =] , the only girl I know who can pull of a cat printed dress, and I'll never forget the day she called me a "treasure" <3
Lucas  - My friend I went with to Puffing Billy

Colleen (unfortunately I don't have a picture with her) and Lester - Pretty much the life of the party and I could always count on Lester for some seriously massive hugs and incredible laughter
Phill (unfortunately I don't have a picture with him) and Nat - Always up for a chat and answering questions, the most laid back people I know to ever be leaders of a church, also the most selfless people I know. Without Phill being willing to follow God's plan for him and Nat being willing to support him in that, Compass wouldn't even exist and now that I know Compass I couldn't imagine my life without it. <3
My Georgina - I never would have guessed in a million years that when I first met this beautiful person on July 19, 2012 that she would be the one to support me, guide me, and encourage me through some pretty rough personal issues. I could always count on her for a vanilla chai latte date, a chat on the phone, and a big hug on Sunday mornings and Thursday evenings. This journey could not have taken me to the personal places it did without her love and wisdom. There is a very special place for her in my heart. <3
Joan and Ian (aka: My Aussie Mom and Dad) - They let me into their home night upon night and weekend upon weekend. They provided me with meals, a warm place to sleep, a place to get away, and a family to love while I was away from mine. From every sport imaginable on TV, to Sunday lunches, to ribs, to Thai, to fish'n'chips, to the always having music in the house, to hanging out on the back deck, to movies, to chocolate cake, to the BridgeClimb, and to so much more. It wasn't always easy or ideal, but they continued to have me over, show me love, encouragement, and hospitality. They devote themselves 100% to their jobs, their family, and their church and church family. They are over the moon generous with their time, money, and skills and never in a million years could I possibly even come close to thanking them for everything they did for me during my time in Australia. <3
Nikki (aka: Nikki 1) - Who knew that it would take me going half way around the world to complete Team Nikki. We were very quickly given the names Nikki 1 and Nikki 2 so people could talk about us without getting confused, however, everyone, including ourselves was often found confused as to who was talking about who. I always knew Nikkis were awesome, but I didn't know just how awesome until I met an Aussie Nikki. Nikki apparently learned from her parents in going above and beyond in generosity - she taught me how to drive the manual (which is NO easy task), she taught me about the wonderful magical world of Harry Potter with a complete movie marathon, she introduced me to the yummy (and expensive) drink that is Lindt hot chocolate, she gave me many of lifts here and there, taught me how to make a cheese toastie in a sandwich press, took me to the hospital and entertained me with magnadoodle drawings, and the list goes on!!! She was an amazing friend to me while I was in Australia, and since we're Nikkis and Nikkis always stick together, I'm sure we'll be amazing friends for many many years to come. <3
Louise - She was the first person I became friends with before I even set foot in Australia. We first met through e-mail where I bombarded her with questions and she answered them like the champ she is, even the seemingly pointless ones. She was the one who not even 24 hours after I had arrived in Australia was already asking me if I wanted a lift to LifeGroup and of course I accepted! I know that neither of those two tasks were easy - I had a lot of questions and she was risking letting a somewhat complete stranger get in the car - but she went for it and went for it 100%. I had no idea those first initial e-mails would take us through to the friendship we have today. Louise also must have learned from her parents to be entirely and extremely generous - always giving me lifts everywhere, helping me plan my birthday party and 2 last dinners, answering my public transport and driving questions, and again the list goes on and on. I could also always count on Louise to give it to me straight, while still being understanding of my emotions, when I was struggling with something. So why did I save Louise for last? Louise was the first person I met and she was the last person I hugged before leaving. Louise drove me to the airport the morning of my flight home and as we hugged and said good-bye you could see the tears in both our eyes, but you could also see the strength in us both as we held them from spilling over the edge. I just find it really cool that my whole journey here came full circle and it did so with a very special friend. <3


Among all the craziness that was arriving back in Australia, my birthday, the kids being on school holidays, me dealing with some personal stuff, preparing Father's Day gifts for my church, etc... Any event that took place in July or early August got completely skipped on my blog, so I'm going to do a quick run through of the important events that took place during that hectic time.

Open House Melbourne
This is when Melbourne opens up buildings to the public that are otherwise closed to the public. There was a whole list of buildings I wanted to go into, but I just wasn't in the mood to get up and get going that day. Luckily, Louise was kind of interested in going to a building or 2, so we went together. Driving into the city we got the cool surprise of seeing several police on horseback. We arrived at this substation to find a crazy long line and a wait of over 2 hours. While that seemed ridiculous, we had driven all the way into the city, paid for parking, and walked here already, and all the other buildings would probably be similar wait times, so we just decided to wait it out. Luckily, there were some personable people in front of us so we talked with them pretty much the whole time. When it was finally our turn we got to put on some oh so very awesome coats (flame retardant), hair nets, and hats. It was kind of crazy honestly to be walking around in the substation seeing all the MASSIVE transformers and other things I can't remember the name of. Electricity is one of those things that we take for granted and that the majority of us can't wrap our brains around. You flick a switch, turn a nob, or press a button and stuff happens and it's all because of the stuff found in places like this substation.

School Holidays
The kids didn't have school for a couple weeks because they run on a year round schedule, so to break up some of the time at home we all went on a couple different outings. The first we did was a place called Healsville, which is like a conservation center with only Australian wildlife. We saw all kinds of animals, most of which I had already seen before in some form or fashion, but there were a few new ones! Wombats are nocturnal so when you go to zoos and things you hardly ever see them or if you do it's hard because it is very dark, but this place had part of the wombat burrow in a glass section. I have seen koalas before but this was the first time I saw a koala do something more than sit, sleep, or eat. This koala was actually jumping from tree to tree and climbing up and down the trees. This was the closest I'd ever gotten to a wombat and the most I've ever seen of one and the closest I'll probably ever get to cuddling one. I also saw my first Dingo and while it wasn't my first platypus, like the wombat they are nocturnal so if and when you do see them it is often dark and hard to see. I also saw my first echidna. They aren't the most cuddly animal in the world, but they have their own cute quality about them and watching them walk is hilarious because they waddle and tip back and forth.

Tasmanian Devil
Wombat cuddles




The second place we went was Scienceworks, which is a kids museum. There were all kinds of interactive exhibits there - electricity, around the house, circus, and more. Part of science is a place called the Pumping Station. It was built in the 1890s and was the heart of Melbourne's Sewage Scheme.

Melbourne Cricket Ground
A family from my church, Compass, invited me out for a night of Footy at the MCG - Collingwood against Adelaide. The dad of the family is a member of the MCG so we had access to a fancy cafe for dinner and hot drinks, really nice restrooms, cushioned seats, and pretty close seats. My favorite part though, was the hot jam donuts!!! The dad is a die hard Collingwood fan so I was really hoping they'd win because that would make for a better train ride home. It was a really good came with some close spots, but luckily Collingwood came out on top!

Bridgit Mendler
Part of living in one of the biggest cities in Australia is having the opportunity to do some really cool stuff and see some really cool things and people. I randomly discovered that Bridgit Mendler was going to be in the city and was going to be doing a meet and greet for free. Call me lame, but I love Good Luck Charlie (her show on the Disney Channel). We'll go with the excuse that when you hang out with younger kids though, you kind of have to be in the know about this stuff if you want them to think you're cool. Her music is pretty legit as well. Well I got there and there was already a good amount of people there. Apparently some people had already been waiting for HOURS and had driven from several hours away to see her. The line for the meet and greet was moving slower than molasses. It became clear very quickly that only a few lucky ones would actually get to meet her. The issues? 1 - Even after being told several times not to reach for hugs and to have the picture taken while she's signing people still couldn't seem to follow directions and Bridgit doesn't have the heart to tell them no or to move on. 2 - Parents were lifting their kids over the barricades making the line to put their kids further towards the front. 3 - Each person was trying to get a hug, autograph, and photo. I personally think the staff should have been a bit more strict, but not for me, for all the little girls in line waiting so patiently and anxiously for this opportunity. I of course didn't get in line because I knew I wouldn't make it up there, but also because I knew these younger girls wanted to see her so much more than I did. I thought it was cool simply being that close to her in person. She seems like she has a really good heart and personality and I'm hoping she finds a way to stay that way in all the fame, because she has girls all over the world (literally) looking up to her. SN: I found it kind of ironic that I had to be half way around the world to see a celebrity from my home country.

 Random Events

My 1 Year Anniversary of being in Australia
Urban Praise came to Compass