Friday, November 15, 2013

My Compass Family!!!

This journey, adventure, and once in a lifetime experience would not have been what it was without the amazing people that make up the body of Compass Church. They welcomed me in with warm, open arms and accepted me despite my baggage, my tendency to talk fast and talk a lot, and my need to have somewhere to go and people to be with. My Compass family went above and beyond what I ever could have imagined and I will forever remain grateful for their love, laughter, acceptance, teaching, and hospitality. There are no words to express my gratitude towards them and just what a very special place they have in my heart. 

My 2nd to last Sunday at Compass was hard so I knew my last Sunday would be even worse. It was a day filled with hugs, smiles, and love, but it was also a day spent holding back the tears as I tried to come to terms with the fact that it would be a very very long time before I saw most of these guys again. Clearly I haven't come quite all the way to terms with it yet, because even now as I write this (a month later) I still find myself with tears in my eyes. <3

***Please note there are several people not pictured or mentioned, but I love them just as much and can't wait to see them again either!!!***

The Tans - So caring and hospitable
My boyfriend, Ryan.
Holly and Michael - Always up for a good chat and laugh and when Michael shares a message on Sunday mornings it is always something applicable, understandable, and memorable 
Sorry, had to throw in another one. He's just too darn cute.
Elise and Sherwantha - Always full of wisdom, hugs, and smiles
Ev and Josh - Only the coolest cat and coolest rocker dude EVER
TuTu - The stranger who took my picture at my first train and then "followed" me to church ;)
Our Young Adults group at my last Sunday dinner at my favorite Thai restaurant 
I love that we know how to be serious AND silly!!!
Jemima - She responded to my first e-mail to Compass
Anna - My one and only New Zealander =] , the only girl I know who can pull of a cat printed dress, and I'll never forget the day she called me a "treasure" <3
Lucas  - My friend I went with to Puffing Billy

Colleen (unfortunately I don't have a picture with her) and Lester - Pretty much the life of the party and I could always count on Lester for some seriously massive hugs and incredible laughter
Phill (unfortunately I don't have a picture with him) and Nat - Always up for a chat and answering questions, the most laid back people I know to ever be leaders of a church, also the most selfless people I know. Without Phill being willing to follow God's plan for him and Nat being willing to support him in that, Compass wouldn't even exist and now that I know Compass I couldn't imagine my life without it. <3
My Georgina - I never would have guessed in a million years that when I first met this beautiful person on July 19, 2012 that she would be the one to support me, guide me, and encourage me through some pretty rough personal issues. I could always count on her for a vanilla chai latte date, a chat on the phone, and a big hug on Sunday mornings and Thursday evenings. This journey could not have taken me to the personal places it did without her love and wisdom. There is a very special place for her in my heart. <3
Joan and Ian (aka: My Aussie Mom and Dad) - They let me into their home night upon night and weekend upon weekend. They provided me with meals, a warm place to sleep, a place to get away, and a family to love while I was away from mine. From every sport imaginable on TV, to Sunday lunches, to ribs, to Thai, to fish'n'chips, to the always having music in the house, to hanging out on the back deck, to movies, to chocolate cake, to the BridgeClimb, and to so much more. It wasn't always easy or ideal, but they continued to have me over, show me love, encouragement, and hospitality. They devote themselves 100% to their jobs, their family, and their church and church family. They are over the moon generous with their time, money, and skills and never in a million years could I possibly even come close to thanking them for everything they did for me during my time in Australia. <3
Nikki (aka: Nikki 1) - Who knew that it would take me going half way around the world to complete Team Nikki. We were very quickly given the names Nikki 1 and Nikki 2 so people could talk about us without getting confused, however, everyone, including ourselves was often found confused as to who was talking about who. I always knew Nikkis were awesome, but I didn't know just how awesome until I met an Aussie Nikki. Nikki apparently learned from her parents in going above and beyond in generosity - she taught me how to drive the manual (which is NO easy task), she taught me about the wonderful magical world of Harry Potter with a complete movie marathon, she introduced me to the yummy (and expensive) drink that is Lindt hot chocolate, she gave me many of lifts here and there, taught me how to make a cheese toastie in a sandwich press, took me to the hospital and entertained me with magnadoodle drawings, and the list goes on!!! She was an amazing friend to me while I was in Australia, and since we're Nikkis and Nikkis always stick together, I'm sure we'll be amazing friends for many many years to come. <3
Louise - She was the first person I became friends with before I even set foot in Australia. We first met through e-mail where I bombarded her with questions and she answered them like the champ she is, even the seemingly pointless ones. She was the one who not even 24 hours after I had arrived in Australia was already asking me if I wanted a lift to LifeGroup and of course I accepted! I know that neither of those two tasks were easy - I had a lot of questions and she was risking letting a somewhat complete stranger get in the car - but she went for it and went for it 100%. I had no idea those first initial e-mails would take us through to the friendship we have today. Louise also must have learned from her parents to be entirely and extremely generous - always giving me lifts everywhere, helping me plan my birthday party and 2 last dinners, answering my public transport and driving questions, and again the list goes on and on. I could also always count on Louise to give it to me straight, while still being understanding of my emotions, when I was struggling with something. So why did I save Louise for last? Louise was the first person I met and she was the last person I hugged before leaving. Louise drove me to the airport the morning of my flight home and as we hugged and said good-bye you could see the tears in both our eyes, but you could also see the strength in us both as we held them from spilling over the edge. I just find it really cool that my whole journey here came full circle and it did so with a very special friend. <3

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