Wednesday, June 20, 2012

My House!!! Oh Yeah... and Culture Shock

Back in April I posted pictures of my Australian family and their home... Little did I know... That was actually the neighbor's house. The following story is how I came to find this out. My mom was sitting on my bedroom floor with me watching TV. I took the opportunity to show her the neighborhood and house I'll be living in while in Australia, which I have seen many many times. I Google mapped the address and clicked street view. I showed her the front and side of the house.
Then she asked me show her an aerial view of the area, which I have also seen many many times. I zoomed out to the aerial view and showed her the area.
Ignore the black boxes. Pay attention to the tops of all the houses. 
The A/red circle is my Australian house.
She was shocked at the density. All the times I've looked at this and I  have never realized it... She pointed out the area is so densely populated that the houses are so close together that there is just enough room for a fence or a small driveway between them. If you look at this picture you'll see the A is above a orange roofed house and there is a second white house next to it. This whole time I thought both of those were the same house, because in my head no two houses could EVER be that close together. I am coming to realize what my first culture shock and huge adjustment is going to be considering this is what I'm used to:
Ignore the black boxes. Pay attention to the lack of houses and abundance of greenery. The A is my house.
To give you an idea in numbers... The suburb is only .3 sq mi but has a population of 4,085. Where I live is 18.5 times the size of the suburb (5.6 sq mi) but has a population of only 2.5 times the size of the suburb's (10,624).

So, along with all this discovery about population density... I also discovered which house is actually mine!!! Welcome to my home for the next 7 - 10 months. =D
And look what the family just happened to send me today... A picture of the back of the house. =]


  1. lol this is actually quite funny about how you came to this conclusion. Hey, at least you found this out before you flew to Australia and pulled up to a house you had no idea about.

    1. I know! Could you imagine if I walked up to the wrong door?!
