Tuesday, June 26, 2012

To-Do In 3 Weeks

Planning this trip has required a lot of time, money, research, phone calls, e-mails, appointments, etc. Along with all of those things comes a very long to-do list. I am only 3 weeks away from leaving and I still have quite a bit on my list. Luckily, the items still left to complete are the easier ones (except for the "see you later"s of course).

Completed Items
-Visa: Check
-Buy Ticket: Check
-Doctor Appointment: Check
-Prescriptions Filled: Check
-Family's Gifts Purchased/Received: Check
-Dentist Appointment: Check
-Buy Health Insurance: Check
-Find Church: Check
-Get Zoom Lens: On its way thanks to my big brother Collin and his girlfriend Lydia (who is quite sneaky :)!!
-International Driving Permit: Check
Things Left to Do:
-Clean Off and Back Up Computer
-Purchase a Few New Clothing Items (Check - 6/27)
-Purchase Books and Items for Flight (Check - 7/5)
-Purchase a Couple Outlet Converters (Check - 6/30 --> My big sister gave me one and my Australian family found 2)
-Secure Seat for Last Leg of Flight (Check - 6/27)
-Get Money Exchanged to Australian Dollars (Check - 7/10)
-Get a Credit Card (Check - 6/28)
-Figure Out Luggage
-Make Packing List
-Finish Narrowing Down My Plan with Skype (Check - 6/28)

And of course... I am scheduling and planning for those last "See You Later"s

Stay Tuned: I've got a couple more posts coming up within the next week. One about God's peace and blessing on this journey and another about a wonderful experience I just learned I'll get to have within a month of being in Australia.


  1. I'm sooo excited for you Nikki! What an amazing oppurtunity! Praying for all the minor details to get finished quickly! Love ya

    Tiffany Mrkva

    1. Thank you Tiffany!!! The more prayers the better!!! I hope to see you guys before I leave. Love you too!!

  2. It looks like you have gotten a lot of things done. The packing part may be a smidge harder than the see you laters because packing is stressful and frustrating when you want to take everything and can't.
    Oh well, look at it this way...at least you will be busy until you leave and not twiddling your fingers.

    1. Yeah, packing will be very interesting considering I've never gone somewhere for so long with so few pieces of luggage. We'll see... Lol.
