Monday, August 27, 2012

Why I Love Ben/Preschoolers

Ben is 3 and absolutely full of life (and tantrums, and whines, and procrastination... but we won't talk about any of that)!!!

I have never a met a little boy more curious. After any word he doesn't understand comes the question, "What does _____ mean?" and you better have an answer or look it up because he WILL repeat the question until he gets an answer. If you make any comment he doesn't understand, even if not directed towards him, he WILL ask, "Why?" He also asks why about any direction given to him such as "put your plate on the counter" or "put your socks on". Again, you better have an answer or make one up really quick unless you want to hear the word why 9,473 times. Also, if you are eating anything in his presence be prepared to either share it or explain why it is a grown up food because he WILL walk down 12 flights of stairs and across 9 rooms to ask you, "What's in that bowl?" or "What are you eating?" Sometimes all this question asking can be extremely annoying... but other times, it really helps me see the world through his eyes. I also realized, how else is he to learn about the world if he can't ask the grown ups around him about it. Out of his natural curiosity though come some of the most genuine, innocent, too cute questions such as, "Why do we have bendy bits?" (referring to things such as elbows, knees, and fingers) and "Why do you have two homes?" (referring to the fact that I call my house here and my house in America both home) and "Why is a tram like a rhinoceros on skateboards?" (referring to a safety ad on the trams). It's questions like these that keep people working with preschoolers constantly seeing the world in a different, more innocent light.

I have never met a little boy more bouncy. Ben bounces... literally. He doesn't hop or jump or walk or stand still, he bounces. Waiting at the counter for dinner - he bounces. Going into creche - he bounces. Standing up reading a book - he bounces. Throwing a ball - he bounces. Brushing his teeth - he bounces. Putting on a nappy after bath - he bounces. Bouncing Ben... it's just what he does. It's little personality quirks like these that start to come out around this age that make preschoolers so fun to interact with.

I have never met a little boy more energetic. Ben jumped rope and threw a ball for an hour and a half (while bouncing - see previous section) without stopping for even a second. We were inside and still by the end of all this he was drenched in sweat and wanted to keep going. It's this never ending energy that keeps adults working with preschoolers feeling so young.

I have never met a little boy more cognitively advanced. Ben has just turned 3 and is already reading some 4 and 5 letter words. He can also tell you which 2 numbers make up numbers up to 60. He can tell you what comes before or after any number up to 20. And he is practically doing puzzles marked for 6 year olds by himself. It's developmental differences like this that keep people working with preschoolers on their toes.

I have never met a little boy more capable of making my heart smile - when he reaches for my hand walking to and from school, when he finds absolute delight in the smallest of things, when he pokes out his bottom lip and asks for a kiss on a boo-boo, when he comes running back to my lap during music class after putting his instrument away, when he tells me I did a good job driving, when he tells me his home is my home, when he giggles and laughs as we play our own silly made-up games, when he does something all by himself for the first time and smiles from ear to ear, when he cuddles in my lap with his head on my shoulder during Michelle's group violin lesson. It's sweet, unforgettable moments like these that capture my heart and reassure my God-given passion for children.
Add to all of this Ben's blonde curly hair, his big blue eyes, and his long eye lashes and I think he could melt just about anyone's heart.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

He Uses Bad For Good

     Around 9:00 this morning I was playing in the playroom with Ben and got a notification that someone had written on my wall on facebook so while checking that I decided to do a quick scroll through of my newsfeed (I do this so I can do several short scroll throughs rather than one or two very long ones). As I was scrolling through I came across a status written by my aunt regarding the passing of a few of her family members over the past several months. At the end of the first sentence was, "and now an aunt". I immediately called my mom to find out what was going on. She told me that my great aunt had passed due to a couple different things, but then my mom had to hang up because she was out to dinner. Unexpectedly, I immediately started crying. I haven't seen my great aunt in a couple years and we weren't exactly "close", but for some reason this just hit and hit hard.
     I stepped out of the playroom to try and collect myself (since I wasn't in the mood to explain death to a 3 year old) and figure out just why I was so upset and this is what I figured: 1) I had no idea that she had been sick so this was entirely unexpected. 2) The fact that I am physically so far away from the situation is uncomfortable. 3) My hormones are all out of whack from being in a new environment, eating new foods, etc. and 4) One of my biggest fears about coming to Australia was that something would happen to someone back home while I was away. The fact that one of my biggest fears had actually happened was extremely unsettling. I couldn't get passed, "but it happened once it could happen again" (and could possibly be even worse). A little while later I went back into the playroom still teary eyed, but managing to hold myself together. Shortly after Jen came in to tell me the plans for the day and immediately picked up on the fact that something was wrong. When she asked if I was okay I responded no. She then asked what was wrong and I told her. She immediately put her arms out and hugged me for some time as I cried. During this time, among every thing else going on, I sent a quick thank you up to God for sending me to the right family during my stay in Australia. She then asked a few more questions about the situation, asked if I wanted to step out to try and call my family, and told me when she got back from the vet I would have the rest of the day off. (Amazing right?)
     I chose to carry on with my regular duties for about another hour or so to make it easier on them. Around 11:30 I talked with my mom and dad for a bit about what happened, how I was feeling, etc and of course they gave awesome parental advice: "Whether you are here or there you aren't going to be able to change or prevent anything that happens to anyone" and "Stop trying to justify the way you feel. You don't have to give reasons. Sometimes different things affect people differently and that's just that. Just accept that this is the way you feel right now." I also got some encouraging messages and things from family and friends back home. I also sent out a text to the girls from my church here to ask for prayer for the friends and family affected by this and for prayer for me since it seemed to be affecting me so much and to calm any doubts and fears that were popping up.
     Around 12:30 I went downstairs to leave for a walk and fill Jen and Daniel in on what information I had learned about my great aunt's death. Jen told me if I wanted company over later that I could certainly do that. She told me that I needed to know that this home is just as much mine as it is theirs (sweet right?). I left for a walk to the local post office, grocery store, and ATM. A few minutes into my walk (in gorgeous, warm weather) I saw a sweet little tree with beautiful pink buds and God reminded me that He hasn't left me on this journey alone and never will. Throughout my walk I got a reply from each of the girls from my church here telling me to let them know if there was anything they could do. The amazing thing about these girls is that they hardly even know me and I them, but I know that these are not empty offers. The hearts God has blessed these girls with is absolutely outstanding. They are constantly going out of their way to make me (and other newcomers) feel welcomed, loved, and settled. Again, God reminded me I was in the right place with the right people.
     I got home around 1:30 ate a big ol' blueberry muffin and had some Lindt hot chocolate outside on the patio because the weather was gorgeous. Jen, tired as all get out from Joseph (the baby), took over my duties from 1:30 - 3 or so. I then played with Ben until about 4 so Jen could cook. Around 4 or so Daniel came home with Michelle (he picked her up from school so I didn't have to) and came right into the playroom and offered to take over. I came up to my room, turned on my Christian Zune playlist and sang to Him while I worked on a project in my room. It's wonderful how praising Him and spending time with Him can calm your heart, mind, and spirit in an instant. Michelle came up to my room at about 5:15 just to see me and told me I had nice music and starting dancing to it. I initially thought to change it, but then decided that she was in my room, and if questions came up later or something I would discuss it with the parents.
     I went downstairs for dinner at 5:30 and it was safe to assume all of my duties were excused for the evening because dinner was already served, the dad said he was doing bath, and I didn't have to do any homework or book reading. Jen walked towards me with her arms open for a hug and then declared that this (hugging) must happen more often. They also offered me tomorrow off, but I told them I would like to work, which they were fine with of course. Jen told me if I need a break at some point tomorrow that I am to take one. I stayed up for an hour and a half after the kids went to bed just chatting with Jen and Daniel.
     Among all the emotions and what took place today, God managed to use it as an opportunity to remind me of His presence in all situations. He also used it as an opportunity to remind me that this journey while it is my journey, He is not only taking it with me but has prepared the best family, church, and group of girls for me to support me and encourage me during my stay here.
     While I am not holding on to the "what if" thoughts... I am demanding that each and everyone of you back home better take darn good care of yourselves and make some seriously smart and safe choices for the next several months! Save the car racing, bungee jumping, and sky diving for after I'm back in the US!!

Sunday, August 19, 2012


     To celebrate my 1 month in Australia I went to the footy (Australian football) at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG)!!! I went with Daniel, Michelle, Gab (the uncle, Daniel's brother), and Coco (Gab's daughter). We were going to see the Carltons (Daniel's team) play against Essention (Gab's team). When I walked out into the seating area of the stadium I literally just stood there with my mouth open. The grandness is impossible to grasp until you actually see it in person. The stadium was at about half capacity (59,000), so I can only imagine what it is like at a sold out game (100,000).
     From the beginning of the game I knew this sport would be more interesting and exciting than any American sport (basketball is a close second). Footy is extremely fast paced and never boring. Someone is always tackling, running, kicking, or throwing and the umpires/refs are super quick at getting the ball back in play. Footy is played in 4 quarters that last 25 minutes each with additional time tacked on to each quarter for every second the ball is out of play during that quarter. No one except the umpires/refs knows exactly how many minutes/seconds are left. Players get penalties for holding too high (above the shoulders) and for pushing other players from behind. When this happens all the players have to walk a certain number of meters towards the other team's goal. They are however allowed to jump on top of each other, tackle each other, etc. One aim on the field is to make a clean catch of the ball when it is kicked because then you get to either continue play from there or everyone has to stop and you get to kick the ball from where you caught it. Most times this opportunity is used to kick the ball between the two middle goal posts to score a goal and gain 6 points. If the ball is kicked between an end post and a middle post they get 1 point. The ball is allowed to be kicked or handballed (held in one hand and punched with the fist of the other hand). When a player is tackled they must dispose of the ball in 3 seconds or they will be penalized.

     I spent some time watching, taking photos, taking video, snacking, and of course... shopping. Daniel and Gab treated me to a Carltons (against Gab's better judgement) scarf (picture below). Later I went shopping on my own and purchased a couple post cards, an MCG bag, and an MCG hoodie (which I love!!! picture below). Daniel and Gab also treated me to some chips/fries. And did I mention Daniel and Jenny also paid for my ticket to go? Yeah, they are pretty amazing. =] A huge fight broke out right after the siren that signaled the end of the first quarter. At one point there were 4 different fights going on (if you want pictures of this, you'll have to look on facebook). The final score was quite unheard of - 60 (Essenton) to 159 (Carlton). A win by that many points is very uncommon. I was glad though because technically that is the team I was supporting. Plus, it meant the person I had to go home with was in a good mood.
     Footy is quite addictive and in fact, after we came home and had dinner I wanted to go back and watch another game. I woke up the next morning wishing I could go right then and watch again. Luckily, the finals are coming up which means I can at least watch footy on TV on Friday nights. I might even get to go back to the MCG this coming weekend with some of the girls from church to watch a game! This is for sure one thing I will miss when I come back to the States.

30 Day Probationary Period

In the contract I signed with Daniel and Jen there was a part about a 30 day probationary period that pretty much said if at the end of the first 30 days it wasn't the right fit (by either of our standards) I would/could leave with no repercussions. Yesterday (the 18th) marked the end of that 30 day period. I was sitting at the table eating breakfast while the mom was at the kitchen counter. She said to me, "Oh, happy 1 month by the way!" The dad said, "1 month? Today? Is it? Well... hm... you know... (pulls something out of the pantry) since today is 1 month that means the 30 day probationary period is up (sits down across from me at the table - with Jen over his shoulder - and lays 3 packages of Tim Tams on the table in front of me =] ) and I think we need to discuss this. The rest of the conversation went as follows -->

Daniel: You could stay (pushes one pack of Tim Tams closer to me) or...
Me: I don't know. Having the upstairs practically to myself isn't what I had envisioned...
Daniel: Yeah, I can understand that (pushes the second pack closer to me).
Me: And I'm not sure that I can handle you guys constantly purchasing things for me...
Daniel: Yeah, that is certainly tough (pushes the third pack closer to me)
Me: Also, I don't know how I feel about your kids being so cuddly.
Daniel: Yeah, that is a little weird. I'm sorry about that (pushes the first pack even closer).
Me: And that fact that dinner is usually made for me... Not too fond of that either.
Daniel: Mmm. Mhmm. I understand entirely (pushes the second pack even closer).
Me: I just don't think that this is everything I had hoped for and then some.
Daniel: Well... (pushes third pack of Tim Tams even closer)...
Me: How about I give you guys my final decision after the footy today?
Daniel: Yes, that's fine but (pushes first pack) we really hope (pushes second pack) that you take our bribery (pushes third pack) under consideration.

Later that evening as I sat at the table doing a Sudoku and slurping milk out of a bowl through a Tim Tam I said to Daniel and Jen, "Oh, by the way, I thought I should just let you guys know, but my bags are packed and I'll be leaving in the morning." Daniel's response was, "Ah, so should I check to make sure the Tim Tams are still in the cupboard?" I replied, "No, don't bother, that's why I am eating them now".

Of course all of this was done in good fun and I knew from the beginning that they were joking just as they knew I was too. The family is a match made in heaven (literally - I believe God meant for me and this family to be together) and I wouldn't ever imagine leaving them after just a short 30 days here.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Big City = Public Transportation

Warning: This is by far my longest post to date. Do please actually take the time to read it regardless. It will be worth it.    

     Today all my possible rides to church had other obligations at the church that required them to arrive early, which meant it was time to put on my big girl pants and venture into the great wide world of public transportation. Back home public transportation is rare and fairly sketchy, while here is found all over and used by absolutely everyone. They don't just have buses... they have trains, buses, and trams that go all over the city and the outskirts of the city.
     Taking public transportation for the first time ever and taking it alone was extremely intimidating, but then again so is everything else about this entire journey. I looked up the times, train station and platform, and route several times. I asked all of my girl friends and Jen and Daniel (the mom and dad) about the whole process several times as well. Sunday morning at 9:20 came and I walked out the door on my own on my way to my very first attempt at public transportation.
     I got close to the station and couldn't figure out how to get up to the platform because it appeared the only way to do so was to walk across the train tracks. Back home you are advised not to do that, so I fiddled around with my bag and waited to see what this other lady did and she walked across. I decided if she could I could and I walked across and up the ramp to the platform. I checked and rechecked that I was headed towards platform 2. I found the lime green poles and screens that everyone had mentioned where you tap your public transportation card and tapped mine and it beeped like it was supposed to (Yay for working things!!). You do this so the program can know where you got on and off so it knows how much to deduct from your card's balance.
     I decided I wanted a picture of this momentous occasion, so I took out my camera and was trying to take a picture by myself of me... wasn't working. This guy came along and asked if I wanted him to take a photo. I was a little iffy about this, but thought the worst that could happen is he'll run off with my camera, but there were other people there so I didn't see that as a likely situation. He took a few photos, I told him thank you, and he went on his way towards the other end of the platform.
     The train arrived - not quietly - and I had no idea how to open the doors so I just waited behind a lady who looked like she knew what she was doing - she did. I got on, snapped a photo of me on the train, got settled, and it was already time to get off - it was a 4 minute ride... baby steps. I got off the train and noticed the same guy that took my picture earlier got off at the same stop. Coincidence or sketchy... couldn't decide. Anyways, I tapped off at the lime green pole and screen and noticed that Jen and Daniel had loaded my card with $50!! Needless to say, this will last me awhile.
     Now it was time to leave the station, but I couldn't figure out how to get off the platform and onto the street, so I fumbled around again and watched to see what that guy from earlier did. I kept my distance, but followed what he did. I made it out on the street, turned left, and prepared myself for the .7 mile walk to the church from the station. At some point early on in this walk I end up passing the guy from earlier because he stopped to talk to someone. For the rest of my walk I realized he was behind me. I kept waiting for him to turn or stop somewhere, but he kept following me. The whole way I was thinking to myself this guy better be going to the church. Then I got to thinking, no... he better be going to the church AND people better know who he is so I know he didn't just follow me here. I turn into the church and he turns in behind me and sure enough I hear him talking to someone right away. Phew! Sketchy stalker crisis averted! I walked in the front door and Louise and Nikki's parents were standing there and said, "Ah! You made it and with time to spare! And you are in one piece!! We were waiting for the phone call to have to pick you up, but you did it!!" I was tickled to see they were just as excited about my accomplishment as I was.

     So what happened to the not so sketchy stalker guy? --- His name is Tutu and he is a fashion designer for a high end line of clothing. He is very down to earth, smiley, and sincere. He takes that train every Sunday morning so we figure we can ride together from now on. He told me he actually wanted to ask me once we both got off at the same place if I was going to church, but didn't want it to be awkward if I wasn't. Also, by the time he finally just decided he was going to ask anyways, we were already at church.
     While I still have to use common sense about personal safety and things while in Australia, the level of danger is so much lower than back home. Australia is an extremely safe country with very few incidences. There are locations and areas where more caution is to be used (and more than likely I will never see these areas), but in general it is safe. For instance, two children - one about 10 the other about 8 - were riding their bikes around without an adult and we weren't in a neighborhood or anything. People are generally looking out for one another, polite, and always helping each other. This is one of the many reasons I can understand why people come here to visit and never return home.

Movie Night Out

Some of the girls and I went out Saturday night to a movie. Well first we got ice cream at Cold Rock that was absolutely yummy, but then we went to the theatre. We saw an Australian film called The Sapphires. The movie (based on a stage play, which is based on a true story) is set in 1968 and is about four Aboriginal women who tour Vietnam during the war and sing for the soldiers. The movie was historical and tugged at the heart strings, but there was also many points of comical relief. Australian films have been known to not be quite as good quality as those produced by the US so I was a little iffy about seeing it, but it was a wonderful, so very Australian movie that I can't wait to buy and bring home for others to watch.

One of my favorite quotes from the movie: "Country Western and Soul singers are both singing about loss. The difference is that the country westerners are sitting at home whining and complaining about their loss, while the soul filled are out fighting with determination to conquer the loss."

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Sticker Fun!!

The kids demonstrated pretty good behavior today and bath time went so smoothly we finished our bed time routine way earlier than normal so... to show them I know how to be serious and get things done but also know how to have fun (as well as secretly reward them for good behavior)... I let them do this:

And to think this all started because I let Benjamin put one sticker on my shoulder...

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Brighton, St. Kilda, and Acland

Today I went out with Nikki (a girl from church) to do some typical Melbourne site seeing at 3 different spots. Today's high was 15 degrees Celsius which is 59 degrees Fahrenheit.

1. Brighton Beach: We went here to see the iconic Brighton Bathing Boxes. The bathing boxes were so beautifully colored which went perfectly with the brilliant blue sky and bright sunshine God provided for the day. Each house was unique in its own way. I was so excited to finally see this internationally known Melbourne icon. I was just as excited to finally stick my toes in some authentic Australian sand!! I also collected my first 2 Australian seashells! With the wind by the shore it was quite cold, but I didn't even care or seem to notice. I was still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I was really really in Australia and really really seeing this. Nikki and I walked up and down the line of bathing boxes a couple times picking out our favorites, noting slight differences, and just chatting. It was a wonderful start to a fantastic day in Australia.
ABOUT THE BATHING BOXES: The 82 bathing boxes are individually owned, but still under the direction of the Bayside City Council in regards to maintaining the timber framing, weatherboards, and corrugated iron roofs. They are to remain as they did over one hundred years ago with no electricity or water connected. They are a cultural and historical resource that is constantly photographed and painted/drawn. The licensees choose to differentiate their bathing boxes with minor structural, artistic, and colour variations, that turn the beachscape into a collective work of art. (

2. St. Kilda: We went here for a walk along the pier and a beautiful panoramic view of the city. The pier was much longer than I expected and the wind was quite intense which kicked up the chill factor a couple notches, but once again I didn't care or seem to notice. I was too busy taking everything in. The bay is so very large it is easy to forget that it is a bay, not the ocean. The pier is massive and entirely concrete. And the beautiful view of the city is just phenomenal. We walked all the way up and down the pier just chatting about this and that (especially where to go for lunch). We stopped about half way back down the pier to take a longer look at the city view.
ABOUT THE PIER: Various forms of the pier were constructed in the 1800s. Since then the demand for a larger pier grew to its present size with the ever-increasing trade to and from the area. The most recent concrete section was constructed in the 1970s. (

3. Acland Street: For lunch we went to Acland street because they have several little restaraunts and shops. This particular street, however, is most well known for its cake shops. Luckily, we looked at the cake shops after we had eaten lunch and weren't hungry enough to buy any. I will have to go back one day and buy some though. We had lunch at Nando's - a Portuguese style flame grilled chicken restaurant. We ate outside along the street, which is the typical Australian thing to do. It was so neat to sit outside and eat lunch with the blue sky, sun shining, good company, palm trees and shops as scenery, get to see a tram pass by quite often, and hear a guy down the street playing a didgeridoo (a wind instrument developed by Indigenous Australians). I felt completely Australian! =]
ABOUT ACLAND STREET: Acland Street is a street in the suburb of St.Kilda. It was one of the first streets laid out when St.Kilda was surveyed in 1842. ( - good thing I'm not at Uni anymore!)

To wrap up the day we went to Nikki's (and Lousie's) house who graciously let me raid their DVD collection. I got 1 feel good (No Reservations), 1 childhood (Jungle2Jungle), 1 Australian (Bootmen), 1 chick flick (How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days), 1 Australian stand up comedy (Umbilical Brothers), 1 all time favorite sitcom (Friends), and 1 as they call it "Mature Adult" (Friends With Benefits). So now, whenever I need my movie fix (because all that is at the house is animated films) I have all categories to choose from. And whenever I finish one, I can always trade it in for another.

Well still not feeling 100% so while back home it is time to start the day, here in Australia it is bed time for this sick kid. So glad I finally got to post about something so very, truly Australian!!! And this is only the beginning... =]

Friday, August 3, 2012

Meet My Aussie New Friend

Say hello to my newest Build-A-Bear
So very madly in love with my new friend!!

Plugged In With Other Believers

Planning for Australia and actually coming here was a dream coming true, but nonetheless still required me to hold onto my Heavenly Father's hand and step way out of my comfort zone while he guided me every step of the way. Part of his guidance led me to a church's webpage - Compass church. I instantly got connected with the leader of the young adults group (Jemima) and she connected me with one of the regular girls (Louise) in the young adults group. Before I even arrived I had a home base of believers ready and waiting for me. It amazes me how His love has no boundaries!!! The day after I got here I went to small group. This past Sunday I went to church for the first time. I attended Compass chicks (where all the women's small groups gather in the same venue for a larger event) for the first time this past Thursday. I went out to the mall with one of the girls (Nikki) yesterday. Every time I turn around one of the girls from the group is checking to make sure things are going well and if I need anything they find out how to get me to it or it to me. They send me sweet texts every now and then and have opened up their homes to me for hanging out or just giving me the opportunity to check out and have some quiet time. The women and girls of the young adults group constantly show me the love and heart of God. Every time I speak with them I am reminded that God is right here, right next to me, taking this journey with me. When I think about how much this dream means to Him simply because it means so much to me, it brings tears to my eyes. Somehow, every day, He manages to show me Himself and His love. To be able to wrap my head around just how much He loves me (and YOU) is impossible, but I sense it every day. Looking for a church and getting connected and plugged in was definitely one of the best decisions I made in planning for this journey. Having other believers here who can encourage me and support me using my own Heavenly Father's words, who know what it means to show others His heart, love, and acceptance even when it means going out of their way, and who can remind me how important it is to stay focused on Him make this journey not only easy and beautiful but also a time of growth. I'm not sure why God has brought me to Australia, to this particular family, or to this specific church and group of believers... but for whatever reason I am sure it is spectacular and I simply cannot wait to find out why (even if that is tomorrow, 10 years from now, or not until I'm in heaven with Him).

New Words/Phrases and Differences #3

- Serviette = Napkin
- Napkin = Feminine Sanitary Pad
- Hair Clip = Barrette
- Tartan = Plaid
- Bathers = Swimsuit
- Ace* = Excellent
- Tele = TV
- Mummy = Mommy
- Whipper Snipper = Weed Whacker
- Cue = Line
- Milk Bar = Convenience/Corner Store
- Dummy = Pacifier
- Breast feeding is not something that is hidden
- Most toilets have a half flush and full flush option
- 10 minute showers are seen as wasting water

* - word not used much anymore

Tour My Home

Take a tour of my Australian home with me!!! 

To watch larger click on "watch on youtube" or "full screen" in the bottom right hand corner of the video.