Sunday, August 19, 2012

30 Day Probationary Period

In the contract I signed with Daniel and Jen there was a part about a 30 day probationary period that pretty much said if at the end of the first 30 days it wasn't the right fit (by either of our standards) I would/could leave with no repercussions. Yesterday (the 18th) marked the end of that 30 day period. I was sitting at the table eating breakfast while the mom was at the kitchen counter. She said to me, "Oh, happy 1 month by the way!" The dad said, "1 month? Today? Is it? Well... hm... you know... (pulls something out of the pantry) since today is 1 month that means the 30 day probationary period is up (sits down across from me at the table - with Jen over his shoulder - and lays 3 packages of Tim Tams on the table in front of me =] ) and I think we need to discuss this. The rest of the conversation went as follows -->

Daniel: You could stay (pushes one pack of Tim Tams closer to me) or...
Me: I don't know. Having the upstairs practically to myself isn't what I had envisioned...
Daniel: Yeah, I can understand that (pushes the second pack closer to me).
Me: And I'm not sure that I can handle you guys constantly purchasing things for me...
Daniel: Yeah, that is certainly tough (pushes the third pack closer to me)
Me: Also, I don't know how I feel about your kids being so cuddly.
Daniel: Yeah, that is a little weird. I'm sorry about that (pushes the first pack even closer).
Me: And that fact that dinner is usually made for me... Not too fond of that either.
Daniel: Mmm. Mhmm. I understand entirely (pushes the second pack even closer).
Me: I just don't think that this is everything I had hoped for and then some.
Daniel: Well... (pushes third pack of Tim Tams even closer)...
Me: How about I give you guys my final decision after the footy today?
Daniel: Yes, that's fine but (pushes first pack) we really hope (pushes second pack) that you take our bribery (pushes third pack) under consideration.

Later that evening as I sat at the table doing a Sudoku and slurping milk out of a bowl through a Tim Tam I said to Daniel and Jen, "Oh, by the way, I thought I should just let you guys know, but my bags are packed and I'll be leaving in the morning." Daniel's response was, "Ah, so should I check to make sure the Tim Tams are still in the cupboard?" I replied, "No, don't bother, that's why I am eating them now".

Of course all of this was done in good fun and I knew from the beginning that they were joking just as they knew I was too. The family is a match made in heaven (literally - I believe God meant for me and this family to be together) and I wouldn't ever imagine leaving them after just a short 30 days here.


  1. Nik, I've said it before . . . . . you are such a good writer!!!! Who knew??? (Obviously I did not.) I would enjoy reading your blog simply because it's about a very special person on a very special adventure. But the excellent prose is a lovely treat I must say. Congrats on making it thru your probationary period. Whew! Lol.

  2. I am glad you are staying and enjoying your experience to the fullest. Love you!

  3. Wow! Thanks Laura! I consider myself a lot of things, but a good writer wouldn't necessarily be one of them. I have actually had a couple people mention they like the way I write my blog - like I am talking to the person reading rather than writing a textbook or essay. So glad to know you are reading! =]

    Thanks! Love you too Manda!
