Friday, August 3, 2012

New Words/Phrases and Differences #3

- Serviette = Napkin
- Napkin = Feminine Sanitary Pad
- Hair Clip = Barrette
- Tartan = Plaid
- Bathers = Swimsuit
- Ace* = Excellent
- Tele = TV
- Mummy = Mommy
- Whipper Snipper = Weed Whacker
- Cue = Line
- Milk Bar = Convenience/Corner Store
- Dummy = Pacifier
- Breast feeding is not something that is hidden
- Most toilets have a half flush and full flush option
- 10 minute showers are seen as wasting water

* - word not used much anymore


  1. I am getting such a kick out of these...keep them coming!

  2. Wow, this is crazy. It is almost like our words are either too long or not as cool lol. I cannot believe that toilets have a half flush and a full flush. And I think that the US should know that breastfeeding is not hidden like the US so they can stop kicking breastfeeding mother's off planes
