Friday, April 5, 2013

NZ - Queenstown (Interesting Night)

When I got in the shower (there was an ensuite bathroom) it was just people from our group in our room, but when I got out (wrapped in my towel) and walked into the room who was there but Rom (the guy from the night in Franz Josef - read that blog if you want to know the story behind him).... Needless to say I was far from pleased. I gave Sophie one of the "looks" that we'd been so good at giving each other lately that can communicate an entire idea/thought without a word and then walked back into the bathroom. Sophie nonchalantly followed. She asked right away what to do about the fact that he was in the room. See, she knew. I came up with a plan, but she had to back me up if it didn't work. She left the bathroom and then I left a minute or so later and walked out into the room and said, "If you are not staying in this room then I need you to leave. I'm sorry, but I need to get ready and I can't do that with all of you in here. So seriously, leave." Unfortunately, one of the guys in the room, Max, was part of our group but wasn't staying in the room, so this sounded directed towards him as well. I could see the confusion and almost hurt on his face, but he left anyways, as did Rom. I gave it about 7 seconds before I checked the hallway to see if Rom was gone and ran next door to get Max back. Once in the room I explained to him why I had to do that and he understood, but confirmed my thoughts of him being confused/hurt, but he was good now that he understood.

As individuals from the group got ready they came to our (me, Hayley, Sophie, Calvin, Matt, and Dan) room  until finally all 13 of us were together just chatting and enjoying each other's company. At some point we started going around the circle each of us sharing one thing about Matt and one thing about Calvin (the 2 Canadian guys that were leaving in the morning) that we liked. It was a really sweet, cheesy, but sweet moment as we all reminisced and laughed. My thing for Matt was that he was the first person on the bus to talk to me and found me a seat in the back by them. My thing for Calvin was his ability to make anyone laugh at any point (sometimes without even trying) and the fact that I will forever have a deeper connection with the Calvin and Hobbs comics because when he saw my orange, striped, Build-a-Bear cat he named him Hobbs (which took me over 12 hours to get, which I will say was due to lack of sleep) and even wrote Hobbs on the tag of my cat's boxers. We had finished going around and were now just goofing off and in walked Jay (the girl from the night in Franz Josef - again, read the blog if you want the full story) and the whole room fell silent.
Missing - Lewis, Max, and Jim
Missing - Dan, Dan, Poppy, Lea, and Jeanet
No one really knows what possessed her to even knock on our door or why Lea (no judgment) let her in. However, as soon as she walked in Sophie and I shared one of our looks, which was then shared with Hayley, and Sophie and Max quickly got to work on removing Jay from the room. Here's the problem - Jay's a nice girl, but she is all over every guy to the point of disgust, she gets drunk before 6p, she wouldn't shut up about the bungy thing (which we were all sensitive to for Hayley's sake), and she wasn't part of the group which was a big deal since this was our LAST night as 13. Max pulled out a voucher for a free drink at the bar downstairs and handed it to Sophie who then handed it to Jay and told her she could have it and that she'd better hurry because it wasn't good after 9 (which was the truth). Of course she accepted it because it was a free drink and she left. Once we all finished hanging out in the room we left too.

We all went to the bar downstairs for a little while and just hung out and did a little dancing. Then we all headed to World Bar (which we hadn't been to yet). It was stuffy, crowded, smelly, and cold. The smelly and cold part was because we had to sit outside where people were smoking. I distracted myself by chatting with Iki (Germany) and Calvin and having some fun with photos. Everyone was pretty much not a fan of this bar so after staying for far too long a few of us (me, Sophie, Hayley, Iki, Dan, Dan, Jim, Matt, and Lewis) headed to another bar, which was even more lame than the second. Calvin had stayed back at the other bar because he was talking to two girls. Us girls decided to leave and head back to our hostel. And this... this is where this part of the story gets... interesting...

Lewis (Manchester)
Max (France)
The girls at World Bar (Iki, I forgot, Sophie, Lea, Jeanet, Hayley)
We walked in our room being somewhat loud, talking and laughing. We were talking about getting something to eat because we were pretty hungry, but then Hayley realized her shirt had blown over the balcony to the ground below. I offered to go back down with Hayley to get it, so we left and Sophie stayed in the room. We got her shirt, came back upstairs, went into the room, and Sophie was silently freaking out. Hayley and I had NO idea what was going on and we could tell that something had happened because it was clear Sophie wanted to tell us something but at the same time was having a hard time getting it out. When she was finally able to tell us Hayley and I couldn't believe it. Sophie said that when Hayley and I left Calvin came out of the bathroom naked, shocked to find Sophie there (he clearly thought she had left with us), and then begged Sophie to leave. If you're reading this... think back to where we left Calvin... I'll just let your imagination run wild with that one... Sophie told him she wasn't going to leave because it was her room too. The three of us girls by this point are practically on the floor rolling laughing and can't contain ourselves. We eventually decide to go get something to eat, but on our way down the hallway (still trying to contain ourselves) Lewis opens their bedroom door and asks what's going on, so we go in, tell them what just took place, and in the end decide we want to be there when it's all said and done. Sophie, Hayley, and I go back into our room. We do a bit of tidying (just because that was the original plan when we got back to the room in the first place) and then got comfortable making sure we each had sight of the door.

To kill the time Sophie took a look through the one girl's bag and found her passport and discovered she was Brazilian  We didn't know this girl, but we knew the other one (Caroline) from our bus as well as from previous stories/nights. After some time we just sat and chatted (and snickered) until Calvin came out again. He asked us to leave and we said no. Then he asked us to at least move because where we were sitting (Hayley especially) the girls would have to get right next to us to get their glasses, bags, shoes, etc. We didn't move. Calvin ended up collecting everything, taking it to them, and then blocking our line of sight as they ran out the door as he followed them.

Poppy (England) apparently heard quite a bit of the commotion and came and knocked on our door. We let her in and then spilled everything that had happened. She was in as much shock and laughter as we were. She then left because she didn't want to be there when he got back. Calvin came back in and we were all still sitting in our same spots and of course he had to tell us what happened because he knew we weren't going to let him off the hook. He did thank us for not ruining it though and we promised we would let him tell the guys what happened (this was a compromise because he didn't want anyone else to know). All I have to say is Calvin's recount of the situation was absolutely hilarious and practically had us rolling laughing. Calvin then showered and at some point caught the guys in the hallway and told them what happened. Matt, Calvin, and Dan (Essex) came in the room, we all got ready for bed, chatted, joked around, etc., said good night to each other, and then went to sleep for the last time as a full group of 13.

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