Friday, July 20, 2012

New Words/Phrases and Differences #1

This will hopefully be a weekly post on my blog where I share new words and phrases and differences between Australia and the US.
New Words/Phrases
- Boot = Trunk (of car)
- Bonnet = Hood (of car)
- Dressing Gown = Robe
- How's it goin'? = How are you doing?
- Mate = Friend
- G'day = Hello
- Cheers = Thanks
- Brekkie = Breakfast
- Tazzie = Tasmanian
- Macca's = McDonald's
- Uni = University/College
- Wasted = Beyond tired (or drunk)
- Crash Hot = Great, Wonderful
- Give Way = Yield
- Wonky = Crooked, Broken
- Singlet = Tank top undershirt
- Pardon = What? or What did you say?
- Top = Knit shirt
- Shirt = Has buttons
- Trackies = Sweatpants
- Jumper = Sweater
- Plat = Braid
- To turn the light switch on you flip down and to turn it off you flip it up
- Drive on left side of the road in the right side of the car
- Almost all street parking
- Palm and Eucalyptus trees everywhere
- Hold fork in left hand and knife in right and never put the knife down
- Put fork in your mouth upside down (with dipped portion of curve down)
- Z (pronounced zee) is Zed
- 15 minutes from beach
- Central heat and AC is uncommon
- Can walk to coffee shop
- No marked/designated turning lanes, you just kind of move over a little bit and everyone that isn't turning just has to work their way around you
- Traffic lights are on the corners of the road
- Trams are seen often
- School buses look like every other bus
- Ollie is pronounced with a long "o" sound, not a short one (figured this out when Michelle told me the dog's name isn't "ah"llie)
- Most people buy their meat from the butcher
- Internet usage is capped
- People are generally more warm, welcoming, and accepting

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