Monday, October 15, 2012

Port Douglas - Departure

I woke up before the sun for my traditional last morning walk along the beach during sunrise. I got my phone, zune, headphones, and camera and headed for the ocean. As I came to the sand off the walkway there it was, the view I can't wait for during every beach trip - the sky painted in beautiful purples and pinks over the vast expanse of water, and this time, to make it even better, there were the "mountains" on the right side. There also happened to be a palm tree bent over in just the right spot for that picture perfect moment.

I made my way to the shore and walked along towards the rocks as I watched the sun slowly rise and grow and as I watched the sky become brighter and brighter. For the first 15 minutes or so I was the only person around. At some point I reached the rocks and had to turn around so now I had the beautiful "mountains" in view. 

I do this every time I go to the beach, because there is just something about the beach that reminds me of just how big our God is. I use this early morning, sunrise walk to spend some time with God. I spent most of the time thanking Him. I thanked Him for the beautiful landscapes He has given us purely for our enjoyment. I thanked Him for waking me up and giving me breath. I thanked Him for opening doors that allowed me to not only have the opportunity to be in Australia but to be in Port Douglas. I thanked Him for everything He allowed me to experience on this holiday. I thanked Him for my host family and my friends and church family here. When I think about the fact that His hand made the water, sky, "mountains", sand, and trees tears come to my eyes, because I realize He did it for me. He created these beautiful things and moments like a sunrise simply to warm our hearts and see us smile. 

I grudgingly pulled myself away from the beautiful beach and headed back to the room for breakfast, to upload pictures, and to finish packing. Although I had already eaten, I went with the family to the local cafe for breakfast. Afterwards we walked along the beach back to our room. The weather was warm, sunny, and calm. It was the weather we had been hoping for the whole time, but never saw. It was typical, perfect Port Douglas weather. At the room we did last minute packing, took all the bags downstairs, and waited for the taxi. During our wait, I chatted with Bek (the receptionist) one last time and thanked her for all her hard work booking and planning my tours and for all of her awesome advice. 

In the taxi Michelle and I sat in the back together and she asked to listen to my music with me, so I took the opportunity to let her listen to FFH with me - Gotta find some way to share the story of Jesus and how much He loves her). She and I were silent for the entire ride and she fell even more in love with my music (she listened to it on the taxi ride from Cairns to PD as well). Sitting on the left side of the taxi my view was along the shore. Staring out the window at the calm, still water, the blue sky, and the light light breeze I began realizing that I was really leaving Port Douglas. The absolutely perfect weather made leaving that much harder. You know what made leaving easier?... Flying Business class while the family flew economy.

When we got to the airport I went into the business lounge with the kids and Daniel while Jen and Jo stayed downstairs. Once Daniel and the kids had a bite to eat, Daniel went downstairs with Jen and I stayed in the lounge with the kids which was easy because they just watched Sesame Street on the TV. When it was time to board I met Jen and Daniel downstairs and we walked to the gate to board. I sat down in my seat, watched the family walk past to the economy seats, looked around and thought... "Holy Crap!!" 

The seats were huge! Big enough for at least 1.5 of me. The leg room was incredible with a nifty fold out footrest. The arm rests were huge. The recline on the seats was unreal. And I was in close proximity to a TV screen. I also had a window seat which is the only way I ever will and have ever flown. Once everyone had boarded I was then greeted by name and offered water or orange juice in a glass. Before take off they picked up the glasses and handed out warm, wet towels. A small snack was handed out before lunch. Also before lunch there was some time to look out the windows and the scenery was so beautiful - mountains, blue water, blue skies. I don't remember the business lunch options, but I didn't like either of them, so I asked what the economy options were. The attendant looked at me like I was crazy, but told me anyway. I asked for the beef one. The attendant brought me 2 servings of the economy one and said, "I brought you two because the portions are so small". In addition I did get the business dishware and silverware as well as the bowl of fresh fruit and a fresh piece of bread. After lunch I got Maggie B's ice cream - passion fruit flavor. Yum!! On the plane I watched Modern Family, Big Bang Theory, and Safety Not Guaranteed (but I feel asleep during it in my big, comfy, business class seat).

When the flight was over and we collected our bags and stepped outside and I saw the gray skies, felt the cold air on my skin, and saw the several tall buildings... I thought yep, welcome home to Melbourne Nikki... Welcome back to reality. The good thing about being back in Melbourne? This is where my church and friends are who I missed seeing while I was away. Since my time in Melbourne I haven't gone longer than a week without seeing at least one of the people from church. Georgina and Louise sent me sweet texts welcoming me back home to Melbourne, which made it way less upsetting to be away from the tropical Port Douglas. The whole drive home through the city and suburbia I couldn't help however trying to pretend like we were still in Port Douglas. I so badly wanted the ocean, the sand, the warmth, the adventures. We arrived at the house and I walked to the front door and it hit me like a truck -

Ahhhh... it's good to be home. Surprisingly I apparently missed knowing what would happen next, knowing exactly what my role is and what I'm supposed to do, having all my things, knowing where everything is in the kitchen, having more space to separate myself when necessary, etc. Plus, if you never leave a place you love than you'll never to get to experience the excitement of when you finally get to go back.

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