Monday, October 1, 2012

Port Douglas - Mixed Feelings

I am in Port Douglas, Queensland in Australia which is far north - 16 degrees south of the Equator and has the same climate as Tahiti. The accommodation, food (eaten with the family), activities (done with the family), and flights are all being paid for by Jen and Daniel. I am in a location that gives me the opportunity to see the Daintree Rainforest and Great Barrier Reef, two places on the World Heritage List. Port Douglas is encompassed by tree covered mountains that offer an absolutely brilliant view. The accommodation is top notch (and after the first two nights of sleeping in the living room of a 2 bedroom apartment) I now have my own, very large bedroom in a 3 bedroom apartment. I am with a beautiful family who loves me as one of their own. I am living my dream and the dream of many others who will never get to experience something like this. So why do I feel the way I've been feeling the past 2 days?

Packing for Port Douglas was strangely difficult... Usually when I pack for somewhere I am either leaving home or returning home and I had already left home so packing meant it was time to go home, but it wasn't. So Thursday was a late night (went to bed at midnight) due to some late, last minute packing. Friday morning I was up at 4:30 to do some late, last minute blogging because I have gotten so far behind and knew Port Douglas would come with several blogs of its own. By 6am both children were in my room. By 7:00 I had both children ready and fed. I had myself ready to go out the door by 7:30. 

The flight was delayed due to some weather, but luckily we got to spend that extra time in the business lounge because they had business tickets. The flight itself was fine, but I was hungry through most of it and didn't get much for lunch, so by the end of the flight I was exhausted from the 4 hours of sleep and busyness of the day and drained from the lack of sufficient food. We then had an hour long car ride to our apartments. While Jen and I did some unpacking Daniel went and purchased pasta and sauce for dinner. We had dinner and then went on a walk to the local ice cream shop (which is a fair ways away). While there I dripped a fair amount of strawberry juice on my white jacket so while everyone else walked home I walked to the local grocery (which was quite a bit of a walk) to buy stain remover. Luckily, spending time in the city has taught me to be better with paying attention to which way I am going and things to recognize so I can get back. On my way back I stopped down at the beach for a quick minute since I hadn't seen it yet. I came back to the apartment, turned on the tv, found there was nothing on (as is usually the case), and passed out.

Yesterday the kids woke up at 5:30!! 5! 30!!! And because I was sleeping in the living room (we couldn't get a 3 bedroom apartment until Sunday so we had to stay in a 2 bedroom for the first 2 nights) I was of course up at 5:30 as well. The kids were going full throttle from the time they woke up until bed time. They woke up, did crafts and played, had breakfast, I was then went down to the beach at 7:30/8:00. Cafe at 9:30. Painting, coloring, games, toys, crafts, etc 10:30 - 12:00 (I was down at the pool from 10:30 - 11:30). Lunch 12:00 - 12:30. More coloring, crafting, fort building, etc 12:30 - 2:30 (I was downstairs planning tours for an hour in there somewhere). Pool 2:30 - 3:30. Bathe the kids 3:30 - 3:45. Shower til 4:00. Watching footy and preparing for a barbie 4:00 - 5:15. Barbie 5:15 - 6:30. Bedtime routine and bed by 7:30. Then Daniel and I walked to the ice cream shop and got ice cream and stayed up a while talking about the kids. And the people living below us were throwing a Grand Final (Australia's Super Bowl) party and playing music so loud our couch was shaking and our glasses were clinking (not to mention they couldn't seem to pick a song or a volume level) so I didn't get to sleep until about midnight.

This morning the kids were up at 6, again 100% energy. We ate breakfast, had to pack up the apartment so they could move us. We left at 9:00 for the market, which was an even further walk than the grocery. We walked around the market for a while and by this time I was hungry, hot, and just exhausted from the build up over the past couple of days. Jen and Daniel wanted to toilet train Ben while on holiday since there would be 3 adults around, but we are completely out of our regular routine, he is exhausted, and there are a million other new things going on, so it just wasn't working. On Saturday every instance he had an accident and today he peed in the toilet, but was completely unaware that he had. Needless to say, the 3 of us agreed we needed to stop trying to toilet train him, because while he is ready in certain areas of development, in others he just isn't ready. Not to mention all the accidents are going to ruin the holiday for everyone.

Okay okay... so I said all this in the last 3 paragraphs to say... The first couple of days were extremely long and exhausting days. By Saturday evening all I wanted to do was cry and vent. I was exhausted, so over being with children, hungry, and missing home. I am not only away from home, family, and friends, but I am also away from the home and friends that I have established in Melbourne, so it's a double whammy in that department. Add to the fact that I believe my hormones are going crazy and this is all just a recipe for disaster. It's hard to feel like I am having a holiday when my work is around me 24/7 and I am still fulfilling the roles and duties of work. I discussed with Jen before I left what the plan was and we decided on half time and half pay. I feel like I have done that and then some already (I don't know if I have or not, it just feels like it). I was just hoping this would be a bit more relaxing than it has turned out to be so far and I was hoping for more time at the beach and pool... we can go to markets, get ice cream, go to shops, etc back home, so why did we fly 3,000 miles to just do all that in a different state? It's bad when you are on vacation and all you can think to yourself is, "I would really love to just get away and have a break".

Luckily, Georgina gave me a ring Saturday night and let me just spill everything that was going on and helped me figure out a way to try and talk with Jen and Daniel about what their expectations are for the rest of the week in relation to what was discussed before hand and what my plans are and what I still want to do. Gosh, it was so nice to talk to someone that isn't a child or the parents of the children. Sunday during the market we took a break at a playground because it has a beautiful view (and so the kids could play) and I literally just laid my head in my hands and was about 3 seconds from falling asleep right there. Something stirred me and I ended up calling home while I walked to the edge of the bank and sat down to take in the view. I was just calling to let them know my plans for the week, but as soon as I heard my dad's voice it took everything I had not to cry and he could tell. He ended up handing the phone to my mom and that was the end of trying to hold it in. Right there, in public, strangers next to me, looking at this gorgeous view I just cried. I told my mom what was going on and why I was upset and being a mom she sympathized with me and then slowly talked me out of it and distracted me with other questions, stories, etc. During my conversation Michelle had snuck up beside me and saw that I was crying and I guess she then went back and told Jen and Daniel because after I hung up the phone and went back to where they were (I had cleaned up all the tears and such by this point) and sat down, Jen said to me, "First things first, do you need a hug?" I couldn't answer because I knew I would cry again, but she knew the answer. She came over, sat down, wrapped her arms around me (which was like an instant trigger for tears) and said, "You have done amazingly. It's okay to miss home. You have to cry at some point Nikki. You can't just keep it all in." We sat and hugged for a minute and then I talked with her a bit about how packing was weird and my crazy hormones, etc and was able to get myself out of the crying stage again. I was still hungry, hot, and exhausted, but I was determined to make the most out of the rest of the day.

The view while on the phone with my ma
I drank coconut milk and ate fresh coconut for the first time, had lunch, bought some sun screen and new board shorts, came back to the new apartment and my own room, finalized some tour stuff, blogged, snapped pictures of the family in the pool, ate pizza, got ice cream and walked around town a bit with Daniel again, and packed for tomorrow's tour.

Finally my own room!!!

Tomorrow evening I will be chatting with Jen and Daniel about the rest of the week, plans, and expectations - but until then I'll be in the Rainforest. =]

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