Sunday, September 30, 2012

Port Douglas - Getting There

The day for holiday has arrived!!!

To get to the airport Jen and Daniel had to hire a Maxi Taxi!! I was so very thrilled because I have never been in a taxi before and for my first experience to be in a Maxi Taxi was just too awesome. The seats were stained, the ride was bumpy, the taxi smelled weird, and I couldn't understand a thing the driver was saying... but hey, isn't that all just part of the experience?!

Jen, Daniel, and the kids flew business class and I flew economy because they bought their tickets before they knew I'd be coming and by the time they went to buy them that is all that was left. I really didn't mind though because it meant 3 hours with no kids and no work. Not to mention, economy on Qantas is about 20 steps above any US airline (even though I will always love my SouthWest). Daniel booked me a window seat, which I was so very thankful for, because I don't fly unless I'm in a window seat. The scenery was similar to most flights, you know... sky, clouds, more sky... that kind of stuff. There was also a lot of empty land filled with nothingness, which believe it or not was very cool to look at and try and comprehend that much flat land of nothingness. I was beginning to understand a bit why you wouldn't want to get lost in Australia.

During the flight they offered pillows and blankets. I watched the movie, "What to Expect When You're Expecting", which I cried at 3 times. I ate lunch - pork stir fry (I only ate the pork and rice) with rice and a roll and water. I also had banana caramel ice cream. Lunch was okay, dessert was fantastic!

During descent the scenery almost instantly changed to ocean with beautiful blue water. We arrived at the airport in Cairns to a view of mountains. Because there is no airport in Port Douglas, Jen and Daniel hired a driver to drive us the hour from Cairns to Port Douglas. This ride was smooth, clean, comfortable, smelled nice, and I could understand the driver - complete opposite of the Melbourne taxi ride. The scenery the whole way was gorgeous - mountains and beach.

Cairns Airport
Drive to Port Douglas

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