Tuesday, September 4, 2012

99 Smiles When I Need It

The second I woke up this morning I began wondering if today would be another day of funk or a day working myself out of the funk. The next second I turned over to look at my phone and see what time it was, unfortunately it was time to get up. The next second I saw that I had a facebook notification, so I opened up the facebook app and saw that I didn't just have "a" facebook notification... I had 99 facebook notifications!!! I thought, surely facebook is experiencing a glitch, so I clicked on the list of notifications... Nope, no glitch. To my delightful surprise there were really 99 notifications and they were all from one person - Brittany Sykes. Brittany has been a best friend of mine since middle school - a crazy friend (hence the 99 notifications, who understands the importance of kissing a large, fake, dirty, rubbery/plastic frog with me), but a wonderful and loving friend (hence the 99 notifications) nonetheless.
I'm not sure if she knew about my funk before she started on this massive facebook catch-up or if she found out about it during the process, but all the love, sillyness, encouragement, wise words, and support came right on time!! You better believe I sat down and looked at all 99 comments, likes, posts, etc one by one. With each one my smile and laughter got bigger and bigger and my heart grew warmer. Here are a few excerpts for a clearer understanding:
- "I have been like facebook stalking you for like 2-3 hours!"
- "GET OUT OF YOUR FUNK!!!! FUNKS ARE BAD!!!! FUNK GET OUT OF MY HAPPY NIKKI!!!! I NEED MY HAPPY NIKKI BACK!!! =) That better have made you smile!!! I would just HATE to have to come all the way there to get you out of your funk... Gosh that would be a shame Lol... =) (Would love that!!! HaHa)"
- "Tenth.... I think that I am going to stop at 10 even though I have so much more to say.... Well a few more can't hurt Lol. Eleventh...."
- "I do not like knowing that you are in a funk!!! So um I'm going to need for you to get out of this funk and let the Happy Nikki come back and remember how thankful you are for this trip and the family that has found you, and all the support and love you have from all of your family and friends (back home and there in Australia!), and how much you are missed back home, and how much we love that we are able to watch you grow through this journey! You have taken a huge step that most of us can not even fathom... Please do not be in a funk and miss out on something because your heart is not fully there in Australia... We are all supporting you back home ****HUGS!!!!!****

Brittany reminded me that the people at home really are going on this journey with me in one way or another. She also reminded me that everyone there will be waiting with lots and lots of hugs, more hugs than I can imagine, for when I get home. She also helped put things back in perspective for me - I am living my dream of 12 years, I am doing something that most people only get to dream about, and I am beyond blessed to have such an opportunity, see and do any of this, be with such an amazing family, and be part of such an amazing church and group of girls. I am making a conscious decision to turn back on my thankful, optimistic heart and mind and turn off my funk!!!

PS: Brittany, if you are reading this... I miss you! I love you! And thank you so much! Also, funny dialogue between me and Michelle this morning.
Me: (typing a response on my phone to one of your posts on facebook)
Michelle: Are you playing a game?
Me: No, I am typing to a friend.
Michelle: What's your friend's name?
Me: Brittany.
Michelle: (with a puzzled look and her head tilted to the side) Hmm... That's a funny name...
Me: A funny name? Do you not know anyone named Brittany?
Michelle: Nope. Never.
Me: Oh wow. I know several people named Brittany.
Michelle: Hm. Strange... (goes about finishing getting ready)
End of the conversation about the name Brittany.
Apparently the name Brittany isn't used quite as often here, especially not in the Jewish community. <-- Just a little fun fact for ya. =]

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