Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sunday Funday

If someone asked me to describe my perfect day, it probably would have went a bit like this past Sunday:

     I woke up and had a little praise and worship jam session to Israel and FFH (these 2 seem to have become my go-to Christian music) in my room while getting ready for church. I then drove myself to church in the manual with no stalling, getting honked at, or getting lost and I made it on time! Church was wonderful, but then again, when it is not? 
     After church I met with an au pair friend of mine for lunch. I met her at a train station, which I drove myself to in the manual. From there we walked to a little clothing store so she could show me the clothes and introduce me to the owner, because they chat every time she goes to this suburb. He was funny and really nice and the clothes are actually pretty cute/cool as well. He told us about this little cafe around the corner and said we should try it out. So the two of us went and had lunch there together. I had the Giant Banana Pancake (topped with maple syrup and vanilla icecream), a side of scrambled egg, and a hot chocolate.  It was the first time I'd ever had a pancake that was something other than plain buttermilk. It was very very yummy and very very giant! The eggs weren't quite done enough for me, but I ate half of them anyway because I wanted the protein. And I downed the hot chocolate in seconds it was so good. I don't know what secret these Australians have when it comes to making hot chocolate, but everyone seems to make amazing hot chocolate. We stayed at the cafe well after we were finished eating and the only reason we left was because they were closing for the day (which was at 2pm). 
     We ended up walking down the strip until we ran out of shops, crossing the street, and walking back up the strip until we hit the train line. As we were standing there trying to say good-bye we just couldn't stop talking. Then, knowing she only lived one suburb over from me, I thought maybe I could drive her home (I shocked myself with this thought considering I hate driving and I had the manual). I asked her what street she lives on and it ended up being one I pass on the way home. When I told her I could probably drive her, she was very excited and thankful. Taking the train would require her to wait another 10 minutes for the train and once she arrived at her train station she would then have a 15-20 minute walk home. I made it to her house like a pro and made it home as well with no problems. Throughout the 2.5 hours we were together the two of us could not stop talking. Conversation was so easy and smooth. There was never that awkward, I didn't understand you moment, or that awkward silence where you rack your brain for questions to ask or something interesting to say. The conversation was even, with no one overpowering it, and just flowed. When I dropped her off we both mentioned that this was probably the nicest time we had had with another au pair and made plans to hang out again. It also turns out that she and her 2 year old boy go to the same park that Ben and I went to last week, so we're hoping for a play date soon. It's really nice to have found a friend who lives so close and has a lot in common with me - we are both au pairing and are away from our families (of course), her host parents and the relationship she has with them are a lot like mine, and she is fun and outgoing. It's also nice because we can understand where each other are coming from when we talk about temper tantrums, kids not eating, issues in the house, etc. 
     I got home around 2:45 or so and the house was really quiet, so I took the opportunity to turn my Sonos on to my Christian playlist and get started on some Bible notes. I did this for about an hour or so, but then it was time to get ready. Ready for what? TRAMPOLINING OF COURSE!!
     Around 4:20 I left to go to Bounce Inc. with my church's Young Adults group for an hour of trampolining. Pulling up we noticed there were a lot of kids (mostly around 8-11 years old). At first I was worried this might put a damper on our fun, but it seemed as though as soon as our feet hit the trampolines for the first time, it didn't matter who else was around or what they were doing, we all turned into 12 year olds. Everyone was laughing, jumping, all smiles, sweaty, short of breath, and clearly excited. There were 4 sections, but we mainly used 3 of them - Free Bounce, Dodge Ball, and Foam Pit. Free Bounce consists of over 50 interconnected trampolines that include angled ones on the wall. Dodge Ball also consists of several interconnected trampolines also angled on the walls in a sectioned off area. There are 2 dodge ball "courts". Foam Pit consists of 3 runway trampolines and 2 side/angled trampoline walls and a 5 foot deep foam pit at the end.
     During the first free bounce session I just jumped and did some straddles, pikes, leaps, etc. It's amazing how perfect my form and flexibility becomes on the trampoline. We then went to the foam pits where I managed to do a front flip off the trampoline into the foam. I thought that was going to be the hard part... the real hard part? Getting OUT of the foam!! Whoever designed that wasn't thinking very well. Then we went and all played dodgeball together. I hate dodgeball, but on trampolines (with people who aren't trying to knock your head off) it was a lot of fun! There were a few kids on the court with us though, so it would have been more fun with just our group. The first game I managed to stay in through to the end, when the little girl next to me got the last person on the other team out. The second game I stayed in until there were 2 or 3 left on each side. I only got out because this crazy 11 year old boy who threw like a seasoned baseball pitcher threw a ball at me and coming straight for my face, I decided to block my face instead of attempt to catch it. After this we went back to the foam pits where I managed to jump onto the side angled wall and into the foam, but not without a first failed attempt at this. We decided to top off the hour of trampolining with one last free bounce session. I got up the guts to do front flips and after that I just did them over and over again. I also ran up the wall, sat, and slid back down, which was fun and didn't require quite as much effort as all the jumping. Unfortunately, I didn't think about how much physical exertion trampolining for an hour (or 5 minutes for that matter) would require and didn't bring my inhaler. Luckily though, with a few breaks, between sessions, of my hands over my head and some deep breaths I was able to jump for the whole hour without needing my inhaler or needing to stop all together. 
Up Front - Foam Pit, To Left - Performance Trampolines and Foam Pit, On Either Side of Green Patch in Middle - Dodgeball Cours, In the Back Under the "Free Jumping Area" - Free Bounce
Successful Attempt at Jumping On the Side Wall
Free Bounce Area
The Amazingness That Is 2 Nikki's Doing the Same Awesome Thing At the Same Time Unplanned
Dodgeball Court

After Bounce Inc. I came home to a house full for the beginning of Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year). They all had so many questions about Bounce Inc, but while I got to tell them about it I got to dig into some yummy sweet sultana Challah (my favorite kind), orange and carrot salad, rice, and chicken and tomato sauce. Afterwards, I showered, said good night, and then spent the next 4 hours preparing for my trip around the city to get the last 32 Mali elephants (<--- Next post!!).

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