Sunday, September 9, 2012

Au Pairs In the City

     The plan was to meet with the other au pairs under the big clock at Melbourne Central (Railway Station) at 12:00 pm. We would then head to lunch and the Queen Victoria Market for a couple hours. I thought I'd be home by 3:30/4:00.
     I got on the train for the 3rd time (2nd time by myself though) for the 22 minute ride into the city. Made it to the right stop with no problem. I stepped off the train and just followed everyone else, because I had no idea where I was and nobody told me that Melbourne Central is close to a bajillion times the size of my local train station. I had no idea where this clock was so I asked one of the gate attendants and she gave me a general direction to walk in, so I did. I then got to a bunch of shops and some escalators, but no clock. I walked into a store to ask an employee where the clock was and (after picking on my accent) told me to go up 2 levels of escalators and turn left. I did that and found the clock, but there were people everywhere. I had no idea how I was going to find the other au pairs. I did however take note of a group of girls gathered around a trash can (or should I say... rubbish bin) when I walked towards the clock. I fiddled around with my bag and got situated so I could decide how I was going to find the au pairs. I looked back at the girls around the trash can a few times and decided I would ask them if they were the au pairs from facebook. Luckily, they were, so I didn't have to deal with the whole awkward, "Oh, sorry, I'm just a lame tourist looking for people" thing. As we waited for everyone to arrive we all talked with each other and had really good conversation. All together there were 7 of us - 2 from the US (me/NC and Colorado), 1 Danish girls, 1 girl from Germany, 1 girl from Sweeden, and 2 Spanish girls (later on another Danish girl joined).
 The Big Clock
The "Shot Tower" in the center of Melbourne Central Station
     We walked towards the market to find a cafe/bakery for lunch and just chose a random one on the corner called, "Le Croissant Des Halles". I got a "make your own" chicken wrap that was super yummy and not that expensive actually. We all talked more on the way to this place as well as during lunch and again the conversation was very good. After lunch we went to the market and as soon as I walked in I thought... "Wow! They took the Buckhorn Flea Market (from back home), expanded it to about triple it's size, threw in some Australian pieces and souvenirs, moved it to Australia, and renamed it the Queen Victoria Market". However, it was very good. We had a great time looking around, talking to the vendors, picking out things we want to come back and get, chatting with each other, etc. I did see several things I would like to have, but I am waiting until after my vacation to Port Douglas to spend any money, because that vacation will cost a good chunk of money.
     We stayed at the market until it closed (4:00) and then just walked to the first place we could find that served stuff to drink, which just so happened to be a cafe/bar/lounge, so it suited everyone's needs. Again, we all sat around and had really good conversation with one another and got so wrapped up in conversation, that we didn't realize that it was time for them to close up. We just saw a few lights go out and heard some chairs stacking and took that as our cue to leave. It was only 5:00, but we all forgot that things here close really really early. It was so weird to walk down the street and see all these cafes, stores, etc closed by 5:00. We walked back to the train station and 3 of us left, while the rest stayed to explore the city. The girl from Sweden and I only live 2 train stations apart, so we took the same train home. It was so nice to get some one-on-one time with one of the other au pairs. We talked for a solid 45 minutes (about her diving, my dancing, a pilgrimage she went on in Spain, religion, currency, etc) right up until I had to get off the train.
     This outing with the au pairs was much much better than the other/first one. No one in this group formed a click or ignored anyone. Everyone (with the exception of one girl whose English is not so great) was very talkative and open. We talked about our kids, pay, parents, family back home, home countries (money, transportation, school, language), boys, etc. We laughed, we got loud, we hugged, we got yelled at (by 2 different vendors), we "photo-bombed" a bride and grooms pictures (they took it well), oh you know, just your typical every day stuff. Seriously though, it was a great time and we all decided we make a really good group and should hang out again. On the train, talking with the one other au pair, she too said this was the most fun she has had out with au pairs and though that we made a good group. I can't wait to get out with these girls again or if nothing else, at least get back to the city!!

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