Saturday, June 15, 2013

Jet Lag In G-Boro

I went to Greensboro for the day shortly after I arrived home to cram in several visits with several different people. I started off my day with a trip to my old work to see my kids and co-workers. Everyone looked great and the kids haven't changed much. I also got to catch up with my old co-workers, which was nice. After that I went to the Sprint store to get my phone fixed because the micro SD card kept popping out. I dropped the phone off there, went and had lunch at a pizza place in the same shopping area, and went out to my car to wait until it was time to pick up the phone. It was warm... and I had been out all day... and I was in a comfy reclined chair... and... next thing I knew I opened my eyes and 15 minutes had passed. Darn jet lag caused me to take a nap in my car in the middle of a parking lot in Greensboro... probably not the safest thing ever, but I just couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. I picked up my phone and they told me they couldn't fix it because when they opened it there was severe water damage inside the phone. This was strange to me considering it has been sitting in a drawer for 10 months. I guess I'll be getting a new phone when I come home in December.

Then I met with my Whitney Leigh (aka: Scooby) for lunch #2 / dessert. Driving places with her when neither of us know where we are going has got to be one of my favorite things ever because it always makes for some serious laughs. We made it though, safe and sound. The food servings were massive. I ordered a scoop of ice cream and was given three, however, it was super yummy. As always we talked about anything and everything from our childhood together straight through to our futures. After we parted ways I met up with my freshman year Roomie Christy. It was such a short time together, but I'm thankful for the little time we did have. Just like with all my other close friends, we picked up right where we left off as though I never left. I am hoping for a longer visit with her next time I am home.

After meeting with Christy I met up with family friends - The Mrkvas. I met up with Tiffany (the mom) and headed to Caden's (her son) baseball game where the rest of the family already was. When I got in the car Tiffany gave me the biggest hug, as she always does. We chatted on the way to the game and when we arrived Caden was so surprised and so happy to see me. I was a good luck charm since they won. ;) When I saw the twins (Tristen and Talyn) they saw me and smiled and gave me hugs, but beyond that it was like I had never left. They didn't make a big to-do, they didn't scream, they were just like, "Oh, Nikki", like I was meant to be there and they had just seen me yesterday. It was pretty funny. As the game went on Talyn became very attached - playing a peek-a-boo kind of game, making me pictures, tickling me, etc etc. After the game when we had to go in separate cars and she found out I wasn't going to their house (like I usually do) she cried. I fixed that with presents though. ;) Tiffany drove me back to my car and by this point it was quite late and I still had to drive the 45 minutes home.

I tried the windows down, the music blasting, windows up and air on, air off, music loud, music quiet, singing, not singing... Nothing could keep my eyes open. There were times when I opened my eyes and wondered how far I'd traveled. It was seriously by the grace of God that I didn't wreck or even almost wreck driving home that night.

It was a long, tiring, busy day but it was so much love in one day that I wouldn't have done it any other way. =]

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