Friday, June 21, 2013

Kids' Changes

I was away for a month and in little ones' lives that is a long time when it comes to development.

Michelle doesn't look older and she doesn't act older (although she has always read and spoken way beyond her years). However, she is doing new things like mastering Hebrew (and trying to teach me), tying bows on her own (which I showed her a couple weeks before I left), and showering (rather than bathing).
Michelle with her first bow
Ben has a new haircut which makes him look like the big 4 year old boy he is. That's right. Ben had a birthday while I was away. He is doing a few new things like getting in the tub on his own and enjoying more advanced picture books. Also, his reading has always been stellar, but now his reading is over the top. He just turned four and he is reading words like small planes, jumbo jet, pumper, and more.

Joseph also had a birthday while I was away. Joseph turned 1!! Along with that has come several developmental changes. He is sitting with no problem, but even more than that he is crawling fast as ever, crouching, kneeling, and pulling up to a stand. His hair has gone curly in the back. He is interacting more - feeding the grown up, handing the grown up toys, making serious eye contact, making a noise to either finish the song or get you to continue singing, etc. He is feeding himself now (for the most part) and one of my favorite new things... He has 4 tiny little teeth!! They are too cute!! Also, he is down to one sleep a day - in the middle of the day. One thing he hasn't done is grown. He is still just the tiny thing he was before I left. The doctors are saying he's the size of a 6-7 month old. Another thing that hasn't changed is his crying in the middle of the night... he still does that, but not as loudly or as often.
Standing and handing me a block.
Feeding me carrot salad. He LOVES to feed the grown ups.
Excited to see what the next 6 months will bring out in this little ones!!

1 comment:

  1. I adore pictures and videos of "your kids". Especially love to hear them talk!
    I love you Baby Duck!
