Thursday, June 13, 2013

We Go Back

While home I made it a point to see my 3 best friends from middle school (we've stayed friends and in touch since the 7th grade). I had lunch at my favorite Italian restaurant in Hillsborough with Brittany (aka: B-Britt) at Vinny's. It was so nice to see her happy and smiling like the Brittany I remember but haven't had the pleasure of seeing in so very long due to certain life circumstances.  After lunch we went to our friend Brittany's (aka: B) house to see her and her 2 little ones. B-Britt was amazing playing with the kids so B and I had a chance to catch up. As always B and I picked up where we left off like there wasn't a gap of 10 months between our last visit. I was so glad I got to see these two and spend time with them and really talk with them while I was home mostly because I love and miss them, but also because they've been so supportive while I've been gone.
A week or so later I got the opportunity to hang out with B-Britt again as well as Jamie. We went out to dinner at Outback Steakhouse (it only seemed appropriate given where I was visiting from and headed back to) and went to dessert at Menchie's frozen yogurt. The three of us talked about anything and everything, some of it serious, some of it hilarious. At dessert as we compared toes and toe abilities it was so very obvious that the 3 of us were meant to be best friends for life. It never phased us that people may be staring or that this was an over the top, extremely weird conversation. It was just us being ourselves, laughing our heads off, and being comfortable around one another. After dessert I went with Jamie to her house to spend the night. Unfortunately I wasn't able to stay awake for too long once we got home, but we did get a little bit of chat time in. In the morning we made cinnamon rolls and chatted about several different things, but mostly wedding stuff since Jamie is getting married next May (which I'll be home for!). =] As I was leaving, Jamie realized a hummingbird's beak was stuck in the screen, but she was too scared to push it out so I came back to the house to do it. Once his beak was out he didn't fly away right away and then out of nowhere he flew off. Jamie and I were pretty pleased with ourselves. On my way home I saw a turtle in the middle of the road so I pulled over and put him in the ditch on the side of the road he was headed to. I felt like a serious animal rescuer by this point.
Decor at Outback Steakhouse - that beach in the middle is 15 minutes from my Melbourne home

I just love that my relationships with these 3 girls has managed to stay so intact over the many years, the ups and the downs, and the life changes. Despite all four of us being at different points in our life it seems to have no affect on our relationships - those are the kinds of friendships that I'm sure will last a lifetime. =]

PS: I got asked something very exciting in relating to one of these 4 girls while I was visiting with them and I said, "YES!!!" but I can't share more details than that until I'm told I can. However, I couldn't leave this part out because years down the road when I read this post again I'll want to have that moment in here. I can't wait!!! =]

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