Wednesday, June 12, 2013

My Travel Agent

Once again my Heavenly father has found a unique and creative way to show me He is still with me on this journey and He is still the best traveling buddy and #1 travel agent out there. Here's the story:

I get off my flight from Raleigh to LA and go down the escalator to the shuttles that take you to the international airport/terminal. All the shuttles that were departing were absolutely packed with people. To the point that they had to stop people because the shuttle was full and make them wait for the next. Several minutes later my shuttle arrives, but there was no one else around to get on, which I thought was odd considering how many people were getting on the others. At the last minute this guy shows up and I over hear that he is headed to the Qantas terminal as well, so just the two of us get on the shuttle. He asks me if I was from New Zealand (because I'm wearing my I <3 NZ t-shirt) and I explain to him that I just visited over there, but I'm actually working in Australia, but from the States. We chat a bit about my work, how I like Australia, where I've been already, footy, etc. Then we get to talking about where in Australia I work and I mention Melbourne. He mentions he is from Adelaide. I mention the pastor of my church in Melbourne is from Adelaide... and it all unfolds from there.

It turns out that this guy is really a personal friend of my pastor's and knows my pastor’s dad very very well. We get off the shuttle and he asks me if I am a member of the Admirals Club. I say no and he asks if I'd like to come to the lounge as his guest. He insists so I accept. We continue chatting all the way to the first class lounge and once inside he says to make myself comfortable and he’ll see me at the gate. After that I saw him for a quick second at the gate getting on the plane and then for another quick second at border control once in Melbourne. I was so thankful he didn't feel like he needed to be with or near me the whole time because I wasn't really up for more talking considering how late it was. I seriously couldn’t believe what had just happened… One second I’m preparing myself to sit in the uncomfortable airport chairs and eat fast food for dinner and attempt to pass 3 hours worth of time, the next second I’m in a big, comfy, leather chair with my feet up eating rice, chicken, and vegetables in a tomato sauce, penne pasta in a creamy sauce, a roll, fresh watermelon, cantaloupe, pineapple, and grapes, and drinking Sprite. I had the craziest smile on my face, to the point that I’m pretty sure people were staring, but I just couldn’t get over what a Godincidence (don’t understand? Read this New Zealand blog: this was. First He gave me peace about leaving home and returning to Melbourne, then He gives me WiFi on the 6 hour flight from Raleigh to LA to pass the time, and now this!!!

I wrote this while sitting in the 1st Class Lounge, but what I didn’t know was that my travel agent wasn't done pulling tricks yet. He had even more in store for making this return to Melbourne so very easy on me. I board the plane for my 16 hour flight to Melbourne to find that the seat between me (I’m in the window seat) and the guy in the aisle seat is EMPTY!!! This is a massive blessing on a flight this long!! The guy in the aisle seat was pretty stoked about it as well. This allowed me extra room for my things and food so I didn’t feel so cramped, it helped me not to feel as stuffy and gross, and the most important bit was that it allowed me to stretch out and sit and lay more comfortably which meant more and deeper sleep as well as less stiff legs and swollen feet. Oh and guess what… He’s not done yet.

I get off the plane to find that about 5 international flights are all landing at the same time which means the line for border control is crazy crazy long. I’m standing in line, not mad or anything because there’s nothing I can do about it, but just taking in how long the line is and just how long it is going to take to get through it. Next thing I know this lady comes down the line saying if you are a US citizen and have an e-chip on your passport than you can go to this other line, which was only about 12 people long. I am a US citizen and I had the e-chip so I switched lines and was out of border control in under 15 minutes. I went to baggage claim, got my bags, and the bags of two other ladies who tried to grab theirs but they were pulled away from them. When I got to the customs line it was also a crazy long line. Again, not mad or anything since there was nothing I could do, just standing there, checking facebook and texts and such. Next thing I know this guy comes over towards the line and says to those of us in the back of the line to come around to the next section. We get to the next section, there were about 4 people ahead of me. I was out of customs in less than 7 minutes.

Now, when I say I have the best travel agent, I seriously mean I have THE BEST travel agent. He showed His skills (and love and blessing) like crazy during my New Zealand trip and now He’s done it again. He provided peace, free WiFi, access to the 1st Class lounge for relaxation and yummy food, the perfect seat with an empty seat next to me for sleep and comfort, and He got me through all the dreaded international airport lines in record time. My travel agent takes care of so much more than just the basics and He actually goes on the journey with me to make sure I have everything I need right when I need it. After all the difficulty I had being okay with leaving home again, it absolutely tickles me that not only does He give me confirmation through that sense of peace, but he even wined and dined me. He's a Father, He's a best friend, He's a caretaker, He's a romancer. He's my everything. I can't help but smile when He does these sneaky, creative things for me. <3

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